Eevee the Ring Bearer

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Me: *Twiddles thumbs* "Ah, yes, angelscruff, I have now completed my plans for you, and I hope you shall enjoy being a defenseless baby Eevee in this chapter. And now everyone may begin this second to last chapter—ooo, wait! vocab word from college!—PENULTIMATE chapter, being on high alert for epic smut. AhahahahAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA-!" *Starts choking on saliva, nearly hacks up a lung* "Er, sorry, I would die of laughter if I was actually evil. Seriously, the choking problem happens pretty often. Anyways, here's the chapter, and I don't think I've ever posted the video of this doujinshi so check that out if you want, and there's the pic! FYI, for the video, Satoshi is Ash's Japanese name, and Shigeru is Gary's Japanese name. Now let us begin!" *Starts the show*

Skitties: *Gather around*


*Gary's POV*

So it's the day of the Pokémon League tournament, and Teagan and I are inside the stadium—not like in the seats but in one of the rooms and not like a room for watching but, like, just inside the stadium, okay? Who even cares anyways?!

"Daddy, will you stop pacing? You're making me sick or...angry or something," Teagan comments, looking both mildly irritated and confused at the same time.

"I can pace if I want!" I snap back, and nobody has the right to criticize me for it because she's the one who's decided I have to propose today, or she's gonna put a pillow over my face and smother me in my sleep!

"Ungh, just calm down," she whines, "Why don't you know how to chill? The atmosphere around you is practically toxic."

"And since when have you ever known how to chill?" I retort right back, "Why do you think I got you the Gyarados ring instead of, like, a Snorlax one or something?" I briefly glance back up at the clock on the wall next to me and see that the minute hand has no mercy for me and has been slowly ticking forward while I pace this small concrete room without end.

Teagan holds up her right hand to her face and admires her new ring. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Daddy. It was an excellent bribe by the way. But back to your problems, may I ask if there's a reason why you've got Ash's egg in a death grip when he asked me to watch it?"

"Shut up! It's mine! I just need something of his, okay?! You don't!" I reach the other end of the room for the millionth time and turn sharply on my heels to repeat the course again, again, and again. My heart's beating out of my chest. There's no way he's going to say yes—especially when I haven't touched him in four weeks. And, and, and, and- I don't even know! There are no words! I'm just panicking!


Oh my God, I love you, Teagan, but just shut up for now, please, okay? I try to ignore her, think of nothing, and just keep pacing.


Nope, nope, nope. Just keep pacing. Just keep pacing...

"DAD!" Teagan reaches epic screechy levels, and I can no longer ignore her.

"What?!" I snap back. Don't test a man on the brink of losing his mind!

"You psychotic buttface," she returns, "newsflash, that stupid egg is glowing! You're welcome," she huffs angrily, then settles back on the bench she's been sitting on, getting back to admiring her ring.

I look down to where I've got Ash's egg caught in a death grip between my arms and chest and see that Teagan's right—it's hatching. I just stare at it blankly and somehow manage to keep pacing because I don't think I can even stop at this point.

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