Tell Me You're Kidding

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Me: "Ha! I bet you were wondering where my commentary was on the last part! Well, I just didn't have anything to add...But I was wondering if you guys had any particular comments to make? Do you want longer chapters? More frequent updates?! Less frequent...? (<--What are you guys getting at here?) More Pokémon battle scenes? A Charizard? Brock? More kissy scenes? Probably that last one, huh? Well, I thought I would get to the smut chapters a lot quicker than this, but things don't always go as planned...Or predicted." *Wink* "Plus, we're really only just getting started, folks. We've got almost the whole Hoenn region left!"


Ash left a little while ago and still hasn't come back. I just hope he hasn't run off again because I can't leave Teagan here all alone to go look for him.

I sigh and then notice his hat on the floor. I bend over to collect it and fiddle with the brim for a bit. Glancing around somewhat self-consciously, I bring Ash's hat up to my face and smell it. crack—ADDICTIVE. Have you ever smelled someone who smelled just PERFECT?—THAT'S how Ash smells to me.

I take a couple more sniffs and then, feeling my cheeks heat up a little, place the hat on my head. Something about it just feels...wonderfully intimate. Like he's sitting here next to me, and he said, 'I love you,' back.

I sigh once more and then notice both the MC taking the stage again while the massive TV screen behind her lights up and Pikachu staring at me like I'm insane. I just keep my eyes focused on the stage, doing my best to ignore the electric type. My face feels like it's on fire, though.

"Alright! Ladies and gentleman, may I direct your attention to the big screen behind me! The results of round one of our fantastic contest are in! In first place, we have May—our own beloved gym leader's daughter! In second, there's Lily, our grass type fanatic! In third, we have Gillian and his terrific Charizard and Blastoise! In fourth, there's Rachel, the beauty! In fifth, we have Willy and his wiley zigzagoon! In sixth, Tara, the Togepi trainer! In seventh, it'ssss Sasha with Meganium and Graveller! And in our last spot tonight folks, we have..."

How is Teagan in last place? She was fantastic up there! Like a true Oak!

"Max and his Ralts coupled with Oddish—another of our gym leader's children! Give a big round of applause for our continuing contestants!" the MC announces.

A lot of people cheer and a ton of them boo, too. I clench my fists. Nobody tells my daughter that she didn't win. Oaks ALWAYS win. I stand up from my seat, making Ash's dumb little Pikachu start hopping around like the building's on fire. Well, it is about to be.

"Please calm down, everyone! It's our understanding that there was a crowd favorite tonight in our new girl on the scene, Teagan. One of our judges, Mr. Contesta would like to explain why she won't be continuing on to the second round."

This had better be good. Reluctantly, I sit back down.

"Hello, everyone, it's wonderful to see you all here tonight," a man in a red suit gets on stage, taking the microphone from the MC, "I and the rest of the judges of course understand your infatuation with our young Teagan's gutsy moves displaying the vitality and brutality of the steel type. But we regretfully cannot condone the suggestion of pokémon abuse. Were we to advance Ms. Teagan to the next round, we may have other trainers come up on stage and actually harm their pokémon, not understanding that Ms. Teagan's performance was all a wonderfully rehearsed act. We hope you understand. That is all." He bows out and returns to the judges' table.

Damn it! Then punish those idiots when they get on stage—not my Teagan!

I get out of my seat again to go looking for my daughter downstairs where they keep the contestants. I hope she's not too upset.

Ash's Pikachu scurries after me.

Ha! That's my girl! When I get downstairs, Teagan is screeching at the contestants' TV like a Gyarados on a rampage. Everyone else has stepped back from her in fear.

"Ash!" I call out to him, spotting him amongst the terrified onlookers.

He turns around and blushes at me a little, then gives me a quizzical look that I return—where's his jacket? I that I think about it...less clothing isn't a bad thing. On the contrary, it's quite good.

*Inside of Gary's brain while he fantasizes about things inappropriate for children's TV shows*

"Gary," Ash moans, "I don't," he looks away shyly, refusing to meet my eyes, "I don't know what to do."

I grin evilly. I've got him right where I want him, laying beneath me on my king-sized bed in Oldale Town. I've got him stripped down to just his boxers whereas I still have on my jeans.

"It's okay, Ashy. I've got you. I'll take care of everything," I growl in his ear and then nip at it. He rewards me with a delightful moan.

"But Gary-" he cuts off with another wanting sound while I tease him through the damp, sticky fabric of his boxers, "Won't it hurt?" he gasps.

"Oh, yes, Ashy, but then," I undo my jeans with a tantalizing 'zip,' "it will feel so good."

*End of perversion before I have to stick a mature warning on this thing*

"Gary, why are you wearing my hat?" I snap out of my daydream and see Ash looking up at me with a blank expression, "And drooling?" he adds.

Shit! I wipe my sleeve across my mouth and hand over his hat before I can make an even bigger fool of myself.

"J-Just-" I stutter, combing my brain frantically for a plausible excuse that doesn't make me sound like a creepy stalker.

"Daddy!" Thankfully Teagan interrupts us. God, I love that girl. "Daddy, they disqualified me because of what some idiots might do!" She comes up to us, huffing, and I smile down at her affectionately.

"I know, honey. But there'll be other contests, okay? And Daddy won't let it happen again." I reach out to pet her head, soothing my vicious, little Gyarados. She pouts at me.

"Pfft, hawhawhawhawhaw!" Ash suddenly bursts out laughing, making both me and Teagan jump. What's with these mood swings? Is he bipolar or something?

He rolls around on the floor for a while, laughing that incredibly obnoxious—and yet contagious—laugh. "Did you-" he gasps out, "Did you just call yourself 'daddy?'" He starts laughing even harder, crying now.

I smirk at him. "Oh, yeah, Ash, don't worry: you'll be calling me 'daddy,' too, soon enough." He stops laughing and flushes an impossibly vivid shade of red. Teagan looks like I killed her Aron. I laugh at the both of them. This trip around Hoenn is going to be GREAT.


Me: "Yeah, I know I'm a tease, but I still don't want to have to put the mature warning on so for now you'll only be getting glimpses of smut—mostly from Gary's perspective since Ash is kind of a dolt. Eventually, though, you'll see a warning on one of these chapters telling you that lemons are ahead, and to set your filter to mature, the next time you look up Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)."

Brock: *Whining* "But I've been waiting for this for years!"

Croagunk: *Poison jabs Brock*

Me: "And you'll wait some more until I have everything just perfect!"

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu