Master Jigglypuff, Umbreon, and the Hungry, Hungry Hippopotas Squad

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Me: "Hey, Gary! Since you may be my favorite person in the world and you're not even real, why don't we get to know each other better?"

Gary: "...Are you insane? You're just talking to yourself right now."

Me: *Demented smile* "Okay, let's get started: I liked the video above so much that I sang along to it despite their terrible singing and some slightly off lyrics."

Gary: "...And what am I supposed to share back? You scare me? I just want to live happily ever after with Ash- Oh, wait, no, not really? 'Cause you're putting words in my mouth?"

Me: "Now, now, Gary, play nice. Guess what couple I would pick as my OTP (one true pairing) if I really could only pick one?"

Gary: "I have no idea. Oh, wait, I do because I'm you. Let me guess? Me and Ash?"

Me: "Wrong! I thought you were supposed to be me, Gary! If you really were, you would have known...that I cannot resist the allure of Takaba-san x Asami-sama (both are boys, in case you were doubting my yaoi addiction)!" *Squeals*

Gary: *Raises eyebrow* "And who are they?"

Me: "Excuse me? They're only, like, the main characters of You're my loveprize in viewfinder (read the manga, people, THEN watch the YouTube videos)."

Gary: "Are we done now? Can you get back to saving Ash?"

Me: "No! I want to do one last thing! Among Asami-sama, Ash, and yourself...who would you f*ck, marry, and kill?!"

Gary: *Deadpans* "Do I have to play this inane game? Especially since one of the options is me?"

Me: *Giggles* "Okay, okay, I'll do it! I would kill Ash." *Delighted grin*

You: *Leans away from screen in terror*

Me: "Screw Asami-sama." *Dabs at fangirl nosebleed* "And...marry you!" *Attacks Gary*


Me: *Whispering* "No, no,'s too late for that..."

Teagan: "Don't worry, people, she still ships Ash x Gary. She just thinks Ash is everyone else. And Ash and Gary will wind up living happily ever after together at the end of this fanfiction."

Me: "No fair! You're giving away the ending!"

Teagan: *Scoffs* "Like they didn't already know."

Me: *Narrows eyes* "Don't make me change it..."

Ash: *Eyes sparkling* "Please, don't. I love Gary, even if he doesn't feel the same...I must admit that I love him..."

Gary: *Blushes*

Me: "And you were saying that you didn't love that?"

Gary: "SHUT UP!" *Still blushing* "You said you'd KILL him!"

Me: *Thinks about it some more* "Well, yeah, I couldn't live with that...But you could!"

Teagan: "Everybody, shut up! It's story time!"

Me: *Pouts* "Okay...let's see how the kidnapped Ash is doing...BUT FIRST, HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYBODY! I AM THANKFUL FOR 7.9K READS AND 372 VOTES! And 282 comments although some of them are mine." ;D "OH, AND THERE IS SOME STRONG LANGUAGE IN THIS CHAPTER! SO BEWARE! I don't think it's really worse than anything I've subjected you up until now, though, so meh. Proceed."


Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Where stories live. Discover now