Epilogue: Snapshots

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Me: "I think this video is great for instilling nostalgia in Pokémon fans, and for that reason, I have attached it to this, THE FINAL CHAPTER IN MY FIRST ASH X GARY FANFIC. There's so much I could say about Pokémon here—how much it's influenced my childhood, all of my feelings on the vast array of creations that have come about since Pokémon got its start—but instead I'll just say this: I have loved you since I was three years old, Pokémon, and that's a pretty big deal in my opinion. There aren't a lot of things we love for almost our entire lifespan, but I think Pokémon will always be one of those things for me. So now, without further ado, let's begin this epilogue together and watch the snapshots of the rest of our main character's lives, all culminating in an ending that I hope you'll find to be unforgettable. After this, check out a bonus one-shot on Ash and Gary (that is not at all related to the plot of this book) and my author's note, if you would like. And then all you'll have to do, my precious, precious Skitties and YES, Poochyena (although I haven't really made that distinction in a while), is wait—you do the math on how many days!—for the massively insane debut of The Yellow Carnations Boy on April 1st, 2016—starting off as MATURE—in which we will encounter fresh, new versions of our heroes and our psychotic guide, Dexter. If you've enjoyed this fanfic at all, I urge you to check the next one out, too. It's a lot more fun for me when you guys read along. And with that, my Skitties...and Poochyena, let us begin the final chapter..." *Holds Skitties tight in anticipation, sits on Poochyena's tail*

Poochyena: -_- *Feeling underappreciated*

Me: "But look! You're in the picture!"

Poochyena: *Sees picture* -_-


*Snapshot 1, Teagan's POV*

Sitting in the seat directly to Daddy's left at the head table, I am constantly being confronted with the soft, loving looks that he's been giving Ash all day today...Of course he'd look at him like that, though—they did just say their wedding vows not half an hour ago...

Auntie Joy on the other side of me catches me staring at Daddy staring at Ash from across the dance floor. "This is quite the social affair—a little different for you, Teagie?" she questions. It makes me wonder what my face looks like right now. I glance around the room to get a better idea of what Auntie's asking me. All I see are the smiling faces of Ashy's and Daddy's friends—some of them paired up for the wedding, kind of just like Ash and Daddy now. And Ashy is just about talking the ear off of his Misty friend from across the room at her table. In fact, he's pretty much been doing that all day, getting up and leaving Daddy to make...that face at him...There are flowers everywhere, too—mixed in with the occasional delusional Bellossom or Lilligant that think they're flowers...It smells nice...Everyone's dressed really pretty, too...Misty's red kimono goes well with her hair...and I saw her hanging off that Brock guy's arm earlier...I look back to Daddy's face once more before responding to Auntie Joy.

"...It's nice. It's been fun," I mutter, glancing down at my own fancy clothes for the occasion—my shoes make clacking noises when I walk across the wooden floor.

"...But it's still a little different?" Auntie Joy asks, giving me a soft smile to go with her gentle demeanor.

My eyes return reflexively to Daddy, then to Ashy. I see Ash look up from his overly boisterous conversation with Misty. He looks at Daddy. Daddy looks at him with those eyes that...if you could feel their gaze, maybe it would be like the caress of deep green velvet on your cheek...soft but...dark...Ash starts positively beaming when he spots Daddy's look, and the smile he gives is of such pure joy that Misty, next to him, smiles as well and so do me and Auntie Joy, watching him. Daddy's look gets even softer...impossibly so...and I feel my heart squeeze in my chest.

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora