Author's Note

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Me: "Alright, guys, got any last minute questions for this book or shipping suggestions for future books? Well, I think this would be the place to mention 'em. What questions would you ask? You might wonder? Well, how about: 'Hey, Emma, you wrote such and such in this chapter, and I thought it sounded really weird?' Now your next thought may be: 'That's not a question!' But to me, it is a suggestion! When you guys point out details, or things you really like, it gives me more than my own reading experience to figure out what to write next! And when you guys point out stuff you didn't like (not stuff that hurt your feelings—like obviously the last chapter was very sad—but stuff that was just downright confusing or blech) that gives me an opportunity to fix it—if the story is still ongoing—or take it into consideration for future stories!

"So feel free to ask me anything from grammar to why Nurse Joy's husband was never named to what's my favorite class this semester! I'll answer anything! Even if it isn't helpful! Even if it's so private you have to message me! Even if it's about why the Yaoinati own all the contracts on your souls right now, and it doesn't make any sense! BECAUSE I'M CRAZY!

"Ahem, in all seriousness, though, thank you for reading all the way up to this point...or skipping ahead just because you damn well can (I understand the feeling). And thank you for voting, adding this book to your library, commenting, following, or whatever else you may have done to help support this book! (I'm not sure what else you could have done...? *Looks around fearfully* I don't want any stalkers!)

"Uh, yeah, like, anyways, I'm not even trying to follow a format or any form of reason for this author's note, so...Last thing! Some background info on me! Whether you give a damn or not! My name is Emma Beaver—this is plainly stated on my profile page. I joined Wattpad getting up to be...about a year ago now, and it literally scared the shit out of me even considering to do so. You wanna know why? Well, I was probably very nervous to get my first feedback on my stories ever. But it was mainly because of a condition that I am now taking my life back from piece by piece: Social Anxiety Disorder or SAD for short.

Now, a lot of people hear SAD and think, 'oh, she's shy,' but unfortunately that's not the case. I WISH I was shy. I would KILL to be a little bashful around the occasional stranger. In reality, SAD is not a personality trait. It is not something I can control relatively easily like a personality trait—say, when I'm reigning in my laziness and dragging my butt out of bed to go to school. No, no, no, SAD is a mental condition and, like any other bodily condition, it plagues me at its leisure. I don't do much talking to a lot of people, not even online. 'Le what?!' you may gasp as you may think I am quite outgoing and sociable. Well, if you do think so, thanks! Those are my actual personality traits! Covered up by SAD. I've been making more progress on uncovering them lately, and I owe a lot to the Wattpad community—aka, you guys—for making that progress happen. Every time I have a positive—and they always are!—social interaction with one of you guys, it helps say to SAD, 'Now listen here, SAD. You're a fucking bitch. Your fears are completely unfounded. Let Emma have her fun! Go away!' And I cannot even begin to tell you all how grateful I am for that—I am literally fucking crying tears of joy right now, so soon after writing the epilogue chapter from hell for this fanfic. I will regret all of this crying in the morning.

*Takes a deep, steadying breath* Woo! Okay! The next palletshipping fanfic—because there will never be enough of it in the world—will begin on...April 1st, 2016! Because, uh...I'm totally not going to get to that day and say, 'April Fools! I'll post it later! When I have time...' No! I SWEAR I'll post it...Probably. Uh, I mean, it's gonna be a pretty 'interesting' fanfic (starts off mature...for cursing and wild ideas), so April Fools seems like the best day for it.

"Now just one last thing! I don't know how you think about yourself on a daily basis! But I think of you as special! Up until this post, I had probably told all of two people about my SAD, since my diagnosis in my freshman year of high school, and that would be Stormlocke and TangoMango—not because my Panda, Angel, Galloran, wow there are a lot of you, FANDANGO—my twin powers activate, bae!—and MissHorsea, and cookiegirl, and pretzelkins (who changed his fucking perfect name, the bastard), and Shawol_Lars aren't super important to me!—but because...well, that's just how it happened. *Shrugs* And if you're wondering, 'Wait. What about your family?' well, I keep a lot of secrets from them. See, SAD is the cleverest disorder because it makes you too scared to even talk about it, so it's really hard to even treat it. *Sad smile* ...Bit of a sad pun there, too, eh?

"Er,anyways, love ya all! Sorry if this post was as confusing as the Candy God'sass—I kinda just let my fingers do their 'typing vomit' thing. And, uh, bye!"*Waves buh-bye to all my precious Skitties and Poochyena and various other pokémon*"Have a lovely, meaningful day and try to be yourselves—it'll take a weight off your shoulders. P.S. I didn't look up the context of this quote, but to me, it means, that we really should be ourselves, even if it makes us look crazy, because now all those other people are missing out on our music." ;D

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Where stories live. Discover now