Chapter 7: Double Date

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Megan's POV:

I woke up from the sun shining on my face. I looked around to see that I was with Justin.... In his arms... I guess we were both tired from yesterday, also from doing a lot of exercise. I got my phone and snooped on twitter. I was still in Justin's arms. I stopped to look at Justin's face... Wow...just wow... I starred at him for the past minutes and looked down on my phone. On twitter, people were very rude... I got mentions saying that I wasn't good enough for Justin. Also I was lucky enough to spend Justin's money from yesterday. Wow.. These people are mean, I wish they had known the truth about the fake dating so I wouldn't get all this crap on twitter. I kinda felt pissed. I went on my camera and snapped a pic of Justin and I. I posted it on instagram. Nice and rude comments were commented. I didn't care anymore.. Or at least that's what I am trying to think..

I went on US weekly, only to find news about me and Justin. It was about yesterday. I scrolled down more and saw a my name on the headline.

"Twitter war between Justin's girlfriend Megan Lowe and his Beliebers?"

Wow.. I tapped the article and saw a screenshot picture of my mentions on twitter. I didn't feel like reading but I just had to.

"Looks like Justin's fans arent really going with the flow with his new girlfriend Megan Lowe. The two met at McDonalds a two weeks ago, even though Megan wasn't famous-he was very into her. He asked said she wasn't a fan of his... Which probably made him to mad?
Justin's fans also known as the Beliebers, wrote many rude mentions to Megan. They said they all hated her and that she wasnt good enough for Bieber, and that she should stay away from Justin... We all wonder how Megan is putting up with this problem. Is having a celebrity boyfriend harder than it looks? Is dating Megan putting Justin's career in danger?"

Wow... Was I really putting Justin's career in danger? When I was suppose to be rising his fame?

This was so new. How could Justin have never thought of this... He was so itching for me to know him better, and yet its just putting his career in danger.. God... What do I do?

I looked at Justin once more. I couldn't help but kiss a peck on his lips... I knew since yesterdays heated make out sessions...... I was growing feelings for him. I couldn't help it.. But I am not admitting that he was amazing. I only seen the first half of his personality.. But I do admit I might like him.

I wondered if I should stay and cook him breakfast and chat... Or just go home and get ready for whatever happens next. At last I thought of cooking us breakfast. I ate mine and had Justins ready. I got my stuff and walked out of his eyes. I walked to my house. I saw paparazzis taking pictures... The new article would be saying I am leaving Justin's house, spent the night there and whatever"
I texted Justin to wake up and eat breakfast.

I got into my house and walked up to my room. I layed on the bed and thought for a long time... I'm only part of Justin's career, I should be rising his fame... Even a little. Ugh I don't know...
By that I fell asleep... Dreaming about getting shot by... Justin...

I woke up sweating and breathing hard. Nightmare.
It was so strange... So real... It could be a sign... A sign that I might get hurt by Justin? Not physically but emotionally? If it was emotionally, I would have to go over a bad heart break...

I checked the time on my phone and it was 4:30pm. I got up and took a shower. I lotioned myself and got into comfy clothes and started watching tv. It was slightly boring.. Again I was about to fall asleep until I got a text from Justin.

"Hey babe, Thanks for the breakfast! Not sure why you left in a hurry..." he texted

"Dont call me babe. Your welcome and I just wanted to get home." I texted back

"Listen, tonight I need you to go out with me. Ariana and Nathan wanted to go out for dinner like double dating." he texted

"Sure, that works" I texted

"Be ready, by 6pm"


It was 5pm. I applied make up on and got dressed. I decided to wear something I have never worn before. I love Arianas style. It was so cute. So I wore a yellow knee-high plain dress with a black jacket suit. I guess it was too formal..I changed my clothes into something my style. It was a black thick dress also knee high and had a long sleeve but it was see through material. I put on black
Platforms and checked myself in the mirror. It was 5:50pm. I sat down on the couch and thought about Justin. Megan and Justin, Justin and Megan... It didn't sound right.. Of course... We aren't even right...

I heard a honk outside. I went outside and went in Justin's car. We greeted each other and didnt talk much. We got out of the car and went inside. Sitting inside were Nathan and Ariana. We all hugged and snaked hands. Justin introduced the two and sat down.We talked for a bit while ordering food.
Ariana and I had so much in common. We talked and laughed so much we totally forgot about our boyfriends. They were having a small uncomfortable guy talk. Our food came and we all ate.

"So Meg, what do you see Justin? Why didn't you like him at all?" Ariana asked

"Haha, well... I honestly didn't like Justin. I thought he was a self centered jerk and thought of only himself and just I don't know... Think he's all that... Just didn't like his personality. Its some problems.." I said honestly

"Really? When I met Justin the first time, he was defiantly sweet at some moments and annoying next. So yeah I don't know either... But he turned out to be a great little brother" she said.

We all talked about each others life story. It was pretty interesting when I heard Justin's.. Some life... I really didn't pay attention to Justin. I was busy talking to Ariana.

Nathan paid the dinner bill and all four of us headed out. We posed for some pictures. I guess from today Ariana and I were gonna be great friends...

Justin and I drove back to my house. I invited him to come in. We went up to my room. I went in my closet as Justin watched tv. I was dying to get out of this dress, it suddenly became too tight and itchy. I finally took off the dress as I was in my bra and underwear, I turned to find Justin starring at me.

"Holy shit! Justin! What the fuck are you doing in here? Don't you ever knock?" I yelled.mHe was still starring at my body. Oh my god, how long has he been standing there? I bet he came in on purposly..

"Huh? What? Sorry. Your phone was ringing like crazy. It said Melissa. I picked it up and she said she wanted to talk to you as soon as possible. If I don't give it to you, she said she will kill me haha" he said again checking me out.

"Ok then, give me my phone and GET OUT!" I said

Justin walked closer to me. I would have stepped back but behind me was a wall. Justin was very close.

"What if I don't want to?" he said in a sexy voice

"Justin, your such a per-"

Justin crashed his lips to mine. He started to kiss me. I didn't know whether to kiss him back. But I did... I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. We kissed and kissed. It turned to a heated make out session after. I took off Justin's shirt... Then his pants.

He was in his boxers. I stopped the kiss and took his hand walking to the bed. He pulled my hand to him making out lips meet again. He gently put me on the bed without breaking the kiss. We intensified the kiss..

Half of my brain said what the fuck are you doing.. The other half is being all over Justin.
I pulled back.

"This is wrong... Justin" I said quietly

"Not anymore" he said. He kissed me, as I pulled him back

"What?" he said annoyed

"This is wrong."

"Ugh Meg.... I really like you.... For real... " said Justin

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