Chapter 45: Leaving

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Megans POV:


My heart sank... Justin would have to FORGET? About me? After all we have been through? Why? Why does it have to be like this? This isnt fair... This is way off. Why do I have to lose everyone I love...

"Megan....." Said Scooter, sighing. It must have been hard for Scooter to always keep Justin and I together and out of trouble... Besides hes getting married soon too...

" I.. I.. Dont know Scooter.... This is big....A big decision.." I finally make out.

"Yeah it is.. But its going to have to be a hard and fast decision. We dont want Justin like this do we?" he said.

I just nodded. We all know Justin HAS TO go into surgery.. for his life. But after that... Should I just let him go? Or make him remember? Why was thinking about me?...

He loves me... for real....

Tears came out... Well I have enough time to make a decision while Justin is in surgery...

"When will he go in surgery?" I asked the doc

"Whenever the doctors are ready." he replied.

"Well hes going under surgery. Everythings okay right?" I asked "Scooter?" I said

"Ill take care of it." he said,


"Well Justins going under surgery in an hour and the longest it will take is an hour so do you want to go home or what?" Scooter said

"Scooter? Why are you talking to me like nothing is going on? Cant you see Im very hurt inside? Im dying here! Im trying to make a decison whether to leave or not!"

"Follow your heart... and do whats best for both of you..." He said

Scooter left to do some arrangements with the doctors while I stayed and held Justins hand.

"Justin... I dont know what to do... Im stuck...Is this thing..that I dont know.. maybe God? Giving me a chance to start over again without you? Is this suppose to be a sign or a chance or something...I dont know. I wish you were alright! I wish I had never met Jake... Wish I wasnt so stupid enough to make Jake do this to you... Wish I was in your place and you-you would be here... healthy at least.. What should I do!" I started to say sobbing.

I cried on him for minutes... I dont think I wasnt going to calm down. Just then I heard the heart beating machine go faster and faster.

Oh No.. Justins blood preasure is getting higher...Its bad.

Why would that happen?

Did he heard everything I just said?

I called the doctor in. He did some check up while Scooter and I waited.

"Looks like he is trying to come back to life.... well atleast wake up." Said the doctor

"I dont think you should say come back to life Doctor. Thats really offensive!" I snapped

"My mistake. Sorry" He said and got out. I thought about what he just said. Justins trying to wake up?!

Scooter left to get some stuff from the house Justins things actually. I just stayed here holding his hand. I cried myself to sleep.


I woke up by something shaking me. I looked at the clock in front of me. I only slept for 30 mintues. I looked at Justins.


He was awake!!


Justin tried to make words come out of his throat but he couldnt. He could barley whisper. I got closer to him to hear.

"I overheard you guys talking... about the memory loss and what you said...Please Megan Please dont leave me. What am I going to do without you!? It wont be the same for none of us.." he said almost whispering. As he said that.. My heart broke... Tears shedded.

" Justin...Bieber, Ready for surgery" Said the Doctor.

" You promised... forever..." Justin said

I wasnt sure if I was going to keep that promise.

" Do whats best for both you" keep going through my mind. Scooters words..

"Stay Strong... You'll always be in my heart Justin..." I said.

Justin dropped tears... He was also broken inside...

Well... after he comes out he wont remember me... But he will soon.. Ill just have to wait for that moment....

" I love you Justin" I said kissing his lips.

" I love you more...Please stay..." he said

" Stay strong... " I said, trying to stay strong myself.

"We're going to give you a sleeping shot okay?" said the doctor

Justin just nodded. I watched him as he gets his shot and falls into a deep sleep..

They took Justin away.. More tears came out.

I looked around Justins hospital room and found his... key chain and ring together. I looked at it and matched the rings and the keye chain to mine. I cried even more. I miss him already... Was this the end? Im not letting that happen.

I took a deep breath and went out the hospital. I took a taxi to Justins place. I looked around his room for the box he puts special stuff it. I finally found it in a hidden place. Inside was empty.

I put in the key chain and ring. I got out a small piece of paper and wrote "J<3M Forever. Ill keep my promise" I put the note on top of the jewelery and closed it. I found a very small box that was decorated. I put the special box inside and put it somewhere obvious but hidden.

By the time, an hour had passed. I packed all my things and put them in my car, leaving no trace of Megan in Justins house. I drove over to the hospital to see Scooter talking to Justins doctor. I ran over there.
" The Surgery went successful and Justin would be cured in 3-4 days" said the doctor

" Thank you soo much" Scooter and I said.

When we were allowed to enter Justins room, I saw him laying there like before except he was wearing a new hat that covered up some wounds.... also the fact he was bald now... I had ruined his life..

That night I stayed with him while Scooter went home to his fiance.

I fell asleep holding Justins hand.


I woke up by the nurses shake.

"Visiting hours are now over..." she said awkwardly. " Well there were no visiting hours at all though..." She mumbled.

I didnt care at all.

In a day or two Justin will good. He would be healthy again. I looked at him one last time, and gave him a long kiss and a lasting goodbye to him. I was hoping he would hear me but I guess it was just in my head.

I walked out of the door bumping into Scooter.

" Dont mention me at all..." I said without meeting his eyes.

" He will remember soon, so please dont let yourself down. Plus the media is going to go crazy and spill everything out so he will gain back the memory in no time okay? Im glad you have been always here, you made a total difference to Justins life, in a good way. " he said hugging me.

I nodded.

"Well Ill see you later... Work on your work Meg" he said, giving me a small smile. I tried to smile back. We both went out seperate ways. I walked slowly out of the hospital. Outside papprazzis swarmed on me. I put on my sunglasses to hide my puffy eyes. I finally made my way to my car and went home.

From today.. Depression begins...


Authors note:

Hi! Im soooo sorry for the sad chapter but it will get better soon okay? :) So keep reading <3 Luv ya

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