Chapter 59: My fault

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Megan's POV:

After four days Justin and I were going strong. I was afraid that something would happen to us but no it didn't. I could finally relax now. The party was tonight and I am a bit excited.
Chaz and I were very close now, he's like the brother I never had. Like sometimes he's very serious or sometimes he's very playful.
Courtney on the other hand, moved back into the house but we never talk anymore. She tries to make conversation but I don't reply.
Scooter and Yael are glad that we are back together, and so was everyone else. Melissa and Derek are seriously out of reach.. We don't connect anymore.
Justin is writing his music and going to studios and stuff while I took a break from music.
Ellen had invited me to several interviews but I wasn't ready to go out there yet.

"Justin, put the phone down" I said to him like the billionth time today. He has been lately going on his phone a lot and he keeps saying he is writing lyrics so that he doesn't forget. He showed a little piece of it but seriously? He has been acting different.

"Justin let's play truth or dare" I said while sitting on the couch besides him.

"Why?"he said pointlessly

"Because" I said through my teeth

"Fine" he said not looking up from his phone.

"Truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Dare" he said. But that was going to be his mistake.

"Okay, well I dare you to not use your phone until tomorrow afternoon" I said deviously

"What? But this is important?!" he said

"Your chose dare Justin so yeah do it" I said smirking.

"You're evil" he said.

I got his phone in my hand and put it in my secret location in his room while he was downstairs.
I was thinking of checking what he had been doing on his phone but I trusted him. So I decided not to invade his privacy so I just hid it.
When I went downstairs Chaz was talking to Justin.

"Okay man,I need the things for the party mind coming with?" Chaz said to Justin

"No thanks" he said harshly

"Um Justin? That was pretty mean. What's going on with you lately?" I said.
Can't believe how rude that sounded to Chaz. He was throwing this party for us and I don't see why Justin can't help out.

"Sorry Chaz. I'm thinking about something else." he said awkwardly

"Yeah okay but I don't know why you are thinking about something so hard when you got Megan Man!" Chaz screamed happily.

"You're right" he said smiling.

I still don't get the fuck on what's up with Justin.

"How about we go Chaz? Scooter and Yael are busying and out of the house, and that Justin could stay here. Alone! Giving himself a nice talk on manners" I said eyeing Justin.

"Um okay sure, let me change my clothes" he said going upstairs.

Once he did I sat next to Justin.

"Boy cant live without his phone?" I said to him kissing his cheek.

"Yeah" he said chuckling.

"If you behave I'll get it for you" I said

"I promise" he said smiling

"Don't promise something your not going to keep okay?" I said. I knew he was bad at promises and yet so am I.

I ran upstairs to my room, only to find Chaz in Justin's room looking at something.

"Um what the hell are you doing ?" I said startling him.

"Um nothing, I was just getting money from Justin's room he told me to go get it myself. Plus I lost my phone so I thought this was it but it wasn't" he said shaky.

"Is everything okay? You look like you have seen ghost" I said laughing

"No I'm okay. " he said

"Okay then. Give me the phone, I have to get it back to Justin." I said

"Um.. Okay, first let me do something" he said doing something on the phone.

"Hey your not suppose do that." I said

"Don't worry he will know" Chaz said.

I didnt do anything about it anymore, Justin and I trusted Chaz so there's no harm to him.

Once he was done, he handed it over to me. I ran downstairs and gave it to Justin.

"What took so long?" he asked

"Very deep hiding spot " I said lying.

He just nodded and laughed.

I waited by the front door as Chaz came. We got out and went inside the car. Chazs face was no change from back upstairs, what happened? What did he do on Justin's phone?

"Chaz, I know that face. What happened? What did you do on Justin's phone? " I asked

"Um I don't know. " he said

"Seriously Chaz? Just tell me and we will get over it." I said

"I'll tell you later okay" he said stiffly.

"Okay" I said in slow motion. Something had freaked him out.what the hell could It be??

Chaz POV:

I can't believe Justin would do that sorta thing. As I walked upstairs before I really thought the phone was mine and I unlocked it, only to see a Text message from Courtney saying "R U there babe".

What the hell could that mean? Was Justin cheating on Megan, almost again with Courtney? This was all wrong. No wonder Justin never took his eyes off of his phone. If Megan finds out, they will be done for good. But I bet Justin has a reasonable explanation about this. I really hope so.


Once Megan and I were done shopping we got everything for the party. Yet I feel like this party was a fake, we are suppose to be celebrating that Justin and Megan are back together but after I seen that message... I have a doubt about it. I'll talk to Justin and sort things out.

"Megan.. Can you park the car? I need to do something really quick" I said.

"Sure" she said getting into the car.

I made my way running through the front door and running into the living room to see Justin and Courtney making out on the couch.

"Justin?" I said in shock

They both got frightened and stood up.

"What are you doing here?" Justin said

"Uh.. Megan and I were done shopping" I said

"The question is.. What the hell is she doing here" I said furiously.

"Get the fuck out!" I yelled at Courtney who got frightened by my yelling.

She quickly scampered out the back door not wanting to bump into Megan.

"How could you?" I yelled at Justin.

"I can explain"

"Yeah right, she came on to me" I mimicked Justin

"Its true" he said

"Not so much Bieber! I saw your guys texts okay? How could you do this to Megan AGAIN!" I yelled

"I'm sorry, it's an mistake" he said

"not the one you can get out of" I yelled again.

"Don't tell her" he said

"Do you even know that tonight's party is? If you were doing this then there shouldn't be a party tonight Justin. Your selfish" I said going to help Megan with the things.

Justin seriously screwed it this time. How am I supposed to tell Megan? Tonight Courtney was going to be there too. Even if she wasn't invited its going to be at her house too.

"Here let me get that" I said after seeing her with a heavy box.

"Wait wait I don't think we should get it out. Let's put it back in the car, cuz the partys at my place" she said

"Oooh yeah! Forgot.." I said

"Umm so Megan do you really want to have this party?" I asked her

"Yeah I'm really into now. " she said smiling at me.

Darn it. I was hoping she didn't say that. Well I guess there will be some intense things going on soon tonight...

Justin and I made faces at each other all the time whenever we saw each other. I felt bad for Megan whenever she was with Justin and them doing lovey dovey stuff.

What was I supposed to do? Help Justin or Megan?

I even tried talking Megan into not doing the party and do it some other Time but she was really into it. Guess she doesn't even know what's coming to her. But Justin and Megan were going to be together. And while that I'll just keep Courtney away from them as much as possible... Was I even right about Courtney and Justin? Are they even together? Or was I wrong about them?

Megans POV:

Chaz and I settled up the things for the party at my place while Courtney who was home or not never came out of her room. From her room, music was all I heard.

Chaz and I took pictures of ourselves and talked a lot, but there was something that was bothering him so badly.

"Okay Chaz forget laughing for a minute tell me what's wrong. There is something bothering you" I said

"Okay fine... I don't want to do the party" he said

"What? Why?" I said in shock.

"Well the party can happen under one condition" he said

"Okay fine what is it?" I said wondering what the one condition would be.

"Courtney is not there" he said

"Oh.. Okay fine by me" I said smiling.

Good, cuz this party wasn't allowed for exes to come. Except Cody but sadly he couldn't make it tonight, he had anniversary date with his new girlfriend.

Well since Courtney is not there... Everything is going to be alright


People started arriving here, like Scooter Yael Ariana Nathan, even Carly... Also Ryan good and his girlfriend Ashley Benson came who I was in shock to meet because I loved pretty little liars. Also Alfredo, Drake, Lorde and other artists came. It was a crowd full of people but I liked It. Honestly I haven't even seen Courtney around. That's a good thing.

"Hey babe" said Justin coming up to me and kissing me.

"Heey" I said. Justin came early and helped out a little, and he was busy greeting people. So we just got to meet.

"How's the party going for you?" he asked me

"Well, I love it" I said honestly.

At the pool outside people were performing. A dream come true. Ariana sang The Way as we rocked out. Lorde who had to be my favorite Sang my favorite song team. I loved it. All of us took pictures as we drank up and played. Then my favorite songs started coming up. Justin and I danced crazy, it was so fun.

"So peeps, do you wanna hear Justin and Megan sing together?" Chaz screamed

The crowd went wild.

"Are you ready?" Justin said.

I nodded.

We started to sing overboard, though it was a sad song it still rocked.

"Well guys I wanted to add a twist.... Is it okay if I sing a Selena Gomez song?" I said to the microphone.

Everyone sorta was shocked but screamed. Justin who didn't really care just nodded. Lorde- of course is a Selena Hater, didn't say anything but I guess it didn't really matter because I wasn't exactly Selena.

"Now that I have captured your attention.." I said to sing slow down. There was a live band so it was so much fun. After that I sang Love you like a love song.

It was so fun I felt like I was singing my songs. Then Justin went up on stage because his name was called out, he started to sing boyfriend and as long as you love me.
After the live music session, two hours had already passed, some people danced at the pool and some people played games inside. Everybody was drinking. Even me and Justin. But we weren't exactly that drunk.

"Thanks Chaz for throwing Us a great party" I said to Chaz hugging him.

"Your welcome Meg" he said hugging back.

"Have you seen Justin? I can't find him anywhere" I asked

"Um not sure? Maybe bathroom? Ill go check" he said

"No no, I'll look for him" I said stopping him

"Nah you still have a lot of people to talk to" he said making out a very good point

"I will Chaz in a minute okay? I need to find Justin and tell him something secretly kk" I said

"Are you sure?" he said

"Duh why wouldn't I be sure" I said to him going upstairs.

I checked rooms and bathroom. Courtney wasn't in her room. Chaz said he took care of her and she said to him that she already had plans out. Ugh I couldnt find him anywhere. I walked in my room to wash up a bit until something stopped me from going in.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing... Justin and A blonde- Courtney were making out on MY bed NAKED!

The room was a mess by their clothes and they both looked up to me. How could these two? How could Justin ever do this? I thought they were over... But I guess I was wrong.

Justin screwed it for good.

"Megan... " he said looking for words to say.

"I'm very speechless Justin... How could you?" I said finally making it out.

"I'm so sorry Megan let me explain.." he said getting up and started wearing his clothes when Courtney had a very sorry expression on her face.

"No! I never want to talk to you again Justin... EVER!" I said running out.

"No Megan!! WAIT, it was a mistake!" he called behind me.

I looked back at him. "No Justin you were mistake. Wish I never met you" I said running faster out the front door. I finally got passed the two bodyguards outside. I ran into the pouring rain and just kept running until lights from nowhere came into my sight. They were getting brighter and brighter.

The next thing I knew was I was on the wet ground, starring into something blurry. I heard screaming but they weren't loud enough to hear. Then I saw nothing but black.

Justin's POV:

As I called behind Megan, who I was running after, I heard Chaz yelling from behind.

"What the Hell are you doing here!" he said as he probably saw Courtney. it was wrong I know... But she keeps making me draw into her.. I couldnt help it.

I ran after Megan as I couldn't find any more words to say. I had to explain to her something so I wouldn't lose her again. But it was too late, I finally got out the door to see Megan get hit by the car. I made my way to her running.

Only to see Megan's lifeless body on the wet ground....with the rain draining... Her blood.....coming..... from her head.

This was all my fault.

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