Chapter 28: Because I love her

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Justins POV:

Wow, after all Megan and I been through, it was just a waste. I dont know what I was thinking when I was with Selena. Did I thought that Meg would wait for me? Its obvious it didnt go that way.

I remember the day I told her, we were going to make it work.. and well its being the complete opposite now. I shouldnt have promised shit when I wasnt sure if I was going to keep them or break them.

I secretly looked back at Meg. She broke down. I wish I could go back and hug her and cheer her up. But it wasnt worth it since I was the reason why she broke down.

The media is going to go crazy tomorrow.


I couldn't sleep at all. I heard Jake and Megan argue. I overheard them say

"You don't need to know Jake!" she screamed

"Why not! I'm your boyfriend! I care about you! "

"Sorry Jake but this is a time I need alone... It's always been like this" she said, her voice was quieting down..

Yes it was true. It was the same reason why Meg and I fought. Why was she like this.. Why was she so secretive? Why is she so alone even though there are some people who are there for her? Maybe she doesnt feel it.. but I will prove it...

They quiet down.. I waited for a while to see if they would yell again but no they didnt.

I heard snoring, so I thought it would be Jake. I grabbed my phone and began writing

" Hey, you alright?" I texted Megan.

It took a while for her to reply back.

"Stay away from me or else..." she replied back.

What the fuck? Did I really hurt her that bad?

I dont know how I fell asleep... pissed as hell.


I woke up with a huge headache- is that what happens when you go to sleep mad?

Fuck it.

I got ready for the day. We were here in New York, today was the last day of performing in Amercia and we were off around the world. I cant believe Scooter rearranged a freaking tour  for a month..

I got out of my room only to see Megan eating breakfast with no Jake around.

Should I say something?

"Hey, Morning" I said, really shaky. She is NOT going to answer back- I know it.

" Mornin" she said back

What? I thought she told me to stay away from her?! If she really meant it then she would have not replied and went to her room but she stayed and greeted me....

I took a deep breath. I started to think that she was just mad and said those words..

I felt calmer now maybe a little happy.

I was making my way over to her and about to say something until her room door opened.

Jake the freaking bastard came in the room and made his way over to Meg and gave her a peck on her lips and greeting her morning.

Jealously ran through me. Yes, I am jealous. 


I took pictures with my fans and talked to them  for a bit before I entered the stadium.

" Jusin! When are you going to date again?"

"Please be single?!

" Date me!"

Everyone shouted at me. I wasnt sure about the first question

" Sorry to let you guys down but.. I still love someone and waiting for them." I said honestly

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