Chapter 41: False Alarm

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Megans POV:

This wasnt happening..

" Why would you get fired Scooter?" I said, walking up to him and hugged him.

He hugged me back. I patted his back. I grabbed his hand and we both sat on the couch. With Justin sitting across from us.

"They said that, Im a lousy manager, and that I keep wasting money by changing the tour dates and giving you permission to do whatever you want during the tour and stage. They think that Im spoiling you guys, and they found out that you guys are fake dating... and it was for Justins career. And they think that you guys are still fake dating." he said.

I could tell he did left out some few parts, but I wasnt going to presure him to tell us.

"Thats not fair... We are still touring... and- and we are singing on stage, like like we are suppose to... and and... this is all my fault" I said starting to cry

" What?! No.. Megan.. Its not your fault" he said

"Yea it is. Its my fault that Justins doing those-things for me on stage. My fault that he EVEN just LEFT performing to go after ME. Im the one who keeps having fucking mental breakdowns and keeping you guys away from your work and changing the tour dates... Its all my fault." I said, sort of yelling between my tears.

"I only chose singing as a career so Justin and I would be together..and- and Im not blaming him but Ive been a total distraction and a mistake for you guys. Im soooo Sorry" I said sobbing.

"Please dont think like that... You were destined to be a singer, maybe. And it was fate that you met Justin... You brought up everyones fame... Dont think yourself as a waste because its just the opposite.." Scooter said, patting my back.

"Megan... How could you even THINK as yourself as a mistake? Thats the same thing as saying our relationship is a mistake... " he said quietly towards the end

"Im sorry..." I said

"Dont be sorry" Scooter said

" What are we going to do now? Because of me. I have jeoporized many artists that are signed to you.." I said

"We will think of something" said Scooter

"Scooter.. your career isnt ending. You cant be fired, thats a total mistake, its fucking bull-shit! Yo- let me talk to those bastards. They obviously have no clue whats even going on here with us and they think they could fire you.... bullshit" said Justin running around.

I wiped away my tears and shock ran through my body as the tv what was apparently on had the title of " Scooter Braun, Manager of Justin Bieber is fired" on the news.

I searched for the remote and finally found it as I turned up the volume

"Just a few minutes ago, Scooter Brauns boss just stated the fact he just fired the 32 year old Manager Scooter Braun himself. Reporters as if he was joking and he said he is very serious. So what happens to all the artists that are signed by him? Is it the end of their career? Find out more when we come back" said the reporter on tv.

"C'mon its morning. You guys do whatever you guys need to do. Im going to take a flight back to Los Angles and sort out this mess. Kenny will be with you guys though." Scooter said while starring at the floor.

" No, lets all go and sort out the mess" said Justin

"Yeah, Please. I want to hear what they have to say and that Justin and I might have a few things to say to them too..We still have a lot of time before the concert tonight and who knows we might even have to cancel one show. After all.. the news are already out." I said

" No, you guys do the concert." Said Scooter

" Scooter. Please?" Justin said

" No" he snapped

"We need to help okay? With you going by yourself isnt going to get any" I said

" Yeah ,also we dont want to waste time by sitting here deciding who is going and who isnt. So lets just go" Justin said.

Justin was on his phone, typing really loud, while Scooter was looking for his phone.

" And its already too late, because I just got 3 tickets to LA" Justin said

" Fine.." said Scooter.


Justin and I packed some handy things and all 3 of us were already at the airport. There was paprazzis taking pictures and reporters asking us about the firing situation.

"Scooter Braun isnt fired. Nor he will ever will be" I said to one reporter

We all kept on walking. On the plane all of us were shaking, none of us were calm. We just looked out the window. Phones kept ringing and buzzing but neither of us would even take a look at it.

Moments later Scooter passed out. I got a towel and wet it and put it on his forehead while he laid on the bed. Justin put an ice pack on top of the towel. Poor Scooter... why do all the kind people get hurt the most? Scooter gave everything he had to us. He didnt spoil us at all.. There were just lies.

Justin and I let Scooter sleep. He needed a rest. We both sat down on a couch together, cuddling in worry. I didnt realize I was shaking so hard that it actually bothered Justin. He wrapped his arms around me and stopped me from shaking.

"Everything is going to be okay? Alright?" he said, slowly in my ear.

We both couldnt sleep at all. So we both decided to watch a movie.

"Lets have a high school musical marathon" I suggested

"Sounds good" said Justin

I didnt think that Justin would give in easily.

We both watched the movie and sometimes sang along to it. It was my favorite movie. I laughed at Justin's face during the movie, he was shocked. Justin and I spent the time together in peace before any trouble happens.

We then after watched Pitch Perfect. It was Justin's choice actually.

"What do you think your going to do if Scooter is really fired?" I asked

" I don't know, I only got two options. 1. Retire 2. Get signed by a different manager." he said lost in his thoughts

"Well follow your heart" I said.

" Whatever choice I make, your always by my side right?" he said making puppy dog eyes

"I promise" I said honestly.

We played chess and checkers and played one on one games on the iPad. I kept glancing over to Scooter, who was just sitting there quietly and looking at the window. He has been sitting like that like for a very long time.
It was almost time to land the plane. It was 2pm though. I walked over to Scooter and sat by him.
I grabbed his hand and held it.

"Don't worry Scooter, everything will turn out fine. Justin and I and all the other singers are never going to let you get fired. Ever. Even the Beliebers. I bet they would start a war with your boss saying that they lost Justin Bieber because the boss fired the manager of Justin. Ugh I don't know. But my point is.. Stay strong because everything will be alright, I promise" I said

I have promised many things today... I will try to keep em.

"Thanks Meg. Thanks for believing in me" he said

"It was never your fault" I added

"Yours too" he said back. I just nodded, I hated the way that it was a lie.


Justin and I held each others hands and got out of the plane.
In the airport, many many paparazzis swarmed around us.

"Why is Scooter Braun getting fired??"

"What happened?"

"Why are you back in LA?"

"What about the concert?"

"Is the tour over?"

"What are you guys going to do now?"

"Is it the end of your careers?"

All the questions that were being thrown on us were starting to get to heavy.

"Shut up OK?" I snapped. It was so intense.

"Scooter Braun IS NOT getting fired. We have personal reasons why we are here in LA. We might cancel or not cancel the concert tonight. The tour.. Is about to finish soon, so we don't have any plans of canceling now. And NO it's not the end of our careers because Scooter isn't fired. Misunderstandings just happened." I yelled.

The paps were writing everything down. I was so pissed off right now. Justin patted my back and held my hand and went to the taxi. We sat inside.

"What if Scooter really gets fired, and more embarrassment happens?" Justin asked.

What kind of a question is that? I thought. Sometimes Justin say the wrong things at the wrong time, like seriously.

"Do you WANT him fired?" I snapped

"No.." he said

"Then stop it with the what ifs Justin!" I said. I was stressed out on this situation... But I deserved it, I was the reason why Scooter is fired...I would rather end my career than to have Scooter fired and have Justin's career to a stop.

We actually went straight to the big building, where Scooters boss were.
All three of us went in some of his workers.

There he was sitting, his name was Kevin. He looked like a middle aged person. Around 40 something. He had cold eyes... From here, I knew this was going to get intense.

"Aww, look who's here... Scooter Braun and his...former artists" he said eyeing me.

"Sir, you can't fire Scooter. It was be a huge mistake" Justin blurted. Scooters eyes were widening. I would have done the same thing as Justin.

"And why is that?"Kevin said in a mean voice.

"Because, well you think your losing money but actually your making money because of Megan and I and the other artists. And if you fire Scooter than your money isnt going to go up or down..." Justin said.

"Good point...but why would I ever listen to you Bieber?" Kevin said harshly.

"Because I'm right. I'm only trying to help you out by making the right choice.." Justin said through his teeth.

There was an amount of silence...

"I'm afraid I'm NOT going to change my mind. " Kevin said. He was looking at me.

I was SO going to regret this.. But I did it anyway.

"Well fuck you" I said loud and clearly.

Everyones face went into shock. Justins caught my hand and squeezed it. I looked at him and winked.

"Excuse me?" Kevin said, still shocked

"Yeah excuse you dumbass. I know what your thinking, I know that you still THINK Justin and I are fake dating but nope there was NEVER an fake date. You seen it all, you have heard it all and now what? What even made you think that we were fake dating... Instead of thinking of that bullshit, you should be concerning of your other managers and think through on what you gotta say instead of blurting out the crap. Your obviously thee worst boss of all time ok? I don't know HOW you even got in this position. Who would ever think of you as a fucking boss? I bet that once you lose Scooter, your gonna be begging for him back because hes the one who makes you money, not yourself?! You know what? Scooter would even find a bigger job than this, the one who will respect him! Even if your on your fucking knees, you can't have him back. It's gonna be a fucking bad karma if you lose him now Kevin." I yelled.

I looked back on the boys face. They were speechless.
I know I had to lie about the fake dating thing but it was worth it. Nobody else knows except the trusted people.

"C'mon. Let's go find another BETTER job." I said walking to the door, With the guys behind me.

I walked slowly because I knew Kevin wouldn't let go of us this easily.

"Wait!" I heard behind me.

This is exactly what I wanted.

"Last words?" I said to Kevin.

"Yes. You are right Megan. I couldn't have anyone better than Braun. He is a hard worker I do admit. I guess I didn't think about second thoughts... So Scooter? What do you say this problem never happened?" Kevin said. It was like he changed personalities..

"Yeah. Would love that" Scooter said smiling.

"And a raise?? But only if you make those two AND the other artists a hit song or album, anything" Kevin said smiling.

"Piece of cake!" Scooter said laughing.

It was very sweet and nice to see Scooter laughing. I smiled myself too.

"Well have a nice day Kevin." I said. I didn't feel like calling him Mr. Whatever his last name is.

Once we were out of the building, Justin hugged me and slimmed me around.

"Wow, Amazing!" Justin said

I laughed.

"I don't know what to say... But thank you very much" Scooter said hugging me very hard

"Cant.... B-breathe!!" I finally made out.

He let go.

"Well no, Thank YOU" I said

"I thought he was going to get more angry" Justin said

"But he was nice enough that he didn't" I said

"Thank you Megan" Scooter said.

That made my day.

Now nothing was on our way.. No bullshit.. No nothing...

We were invincible now..

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