Chapter 29: Blacking out

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Megans POV:

Why did Justin sing those songs? I guess he was just trying to prove that he loved me. I couldnt blame him because I loved him back. I wipoed away some few tears during the show. Jake looked at me and Justin with disgust. I felt bad for him.

I got up and walked backstage. I couldnt help but smile at Justin. Just when I was about to walk up to him, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back... very hard.

" OW! " I yelled

" Megan! What the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you crying over Justin?!! Dont act like I didnt know Meg! thought you hated him!" he said, he was really mad and hurt.

" Im Sorry Jake" I said quietly

"He hurt you so bad, so why go back to him? "

" Who said I was going back to him? Why think that?" I yelled.

People were now starring at us. Why didnt they do anything about us screaming at each other? Selfish people...

" I know you two kissed!" he said " At the party!"

" Well Sor-ry! I wasnt the one flirting with Selena GOMEZ!" I said loudly

People gasped- too loud.

Did I just hear my self echo!? I looked around. I saw Scrappy making a sorry face and showed me the thing that made me echo.

Oh no.

It was a speaker microphone...

The audience had heard me ands Jake conversation... .

Holy shit.

The audience were quiet, none of them spoke. Jake and I were blushing RED. Scrappy gave me a sign that he had turned it off. I was so fucking mad. Once the coast were clear Jake replied.

" What do you mean FLIRTING WITH SELENA?" he yelled

" Dont act like I didnt see anything Jake!" I said, confronting him.

" Well Its pretty obvious you like Justin the fucking beaver now!" he yelled

" Oh so now your naming names?" I yelled " Ugh JAKE!" I said

" DO YOU LOVE JUSTIN OR ME!" he yelled

I wasnt sure.... I was stuck.... I couldnt believe I hadnt realized this... It took me a while to figure it out. And I was holding back tears.

" JUSTIN!" I yelled

Just then out of nowhere, I felt shart pain across my left cheek...

I fell hard on the cold floor... crying.. over the pain...

The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Justin and Jake fist fighting..... the thing I hated most...

Justins POV:


I sat down in the lobby of the hospital. My body ached from all the hitting and kicking. But I was alright, I didnt feel that pain. I only felt the pain in my heart... it completly shattered when I saw Megan get punched by Jake.. and yet it was because of me. I feel like everythings my fault.

Jake was in a different hospital... He had many wounded areas, worser than mine because I beat him up with all the strength I had.

How dare that bastard touch a finger on Megan? That question never fades away.

Jake was being charged with abuse and many other things but for all I know he might even go to jail for a while.

As long as he stays away from Megan.

I checked my phone and the news were already out.

The top 5 news were all about Megan, Jake and me.

One said: " Justin Biebers New York performances songs were about.. ex girlfriend Megan Lowe?"

" Yes it sure was. Justin Bieber say his popular love songs at his New York performance..and obvious the songs were Megans Favorite Justin Bieber Song!! Sources say that Justins last two songs: That should be me and his cover of When I was your man by Bruno Maras were about his ex girlfriend Megan Lowe and not Selena Gomez. Gomez and Bieber made out at the Vegas party but then ended up as friends and leaving Gomez and Megans now ex boyfriend Jake Troyer flirting with each oher!!! As on the other hand we spotted Justin and Megan kissing. After that she broke down crying as Bieber left. At the concert Lowe was very emotional on Biebers performance and dropped big tears as her at the time boyfriend Jake was very angry. Is there more to this story? Is Justin and Megan still in love with each other?"

Yes we were, I answered.

The next one said: " Singer Megan Lowe and boyfriend Jake Troyer argue over Justins Biebers performace and we caught arguing when the microphone speaker was accidently on"

" Megan Lowe and boyfriend Jake Troyer had a heated argument with each other on Biebers performance that was dedicated to Lowe. Seems like Troyer has a big jealous problem with Bieber! Here is a video of the two aruging on speaker"

I already knew what happended so I just skipped to the next one.

"Jake Troyer was kicked out of Justin Bieber and Megan Lowes tour after having a violent argument with girlfriend Megan Lowe"

" Woah! Jake Troyer was kicked out by Scooter because he and Megan had a violent argument about Justin Bieber! The two had already had a bad week since the party in Vegas where Jake Troyer and Selena Gomez were caught flirting with each other, as for Justin Bieber and Megan Lowe share a kiss. But people honestly nobody was even halfway drunk so these people knew what they were doing! Sources say that Jake asked Megan whether she loved him or Bieber and she picked Bieber. Guess bad jealously and anger issues had got to Jake before he thought about his actions."

" Megan Lowe is knocked out by boyfriend Jake Troyer" As I read the next one

" Seems like Jake need some mental help! Troyer and long time girlfriend Megan Lowe had a heated argument about Bieber which turned into a fist fight! Megan admitted that she loved Bieber instead of Troyer, as for saying that Troyer threw a punch at Lowe. Bieber who was watching everything came in and beated the crap out of Troyer. As for now Megan is still unconscious at a local hosptial and Troyer doing some medication at another hospital. Bieber on the other hand seemed to not care for himself but for Lowe. Whats going to happen next? Will Megan and Justin get back together?"

Tears ran through my cheeks... why would this kind of shit ever happen to Megan? I finally took a deep breath and read the last article.

" Jake Troyer arrested and charged with abuse!"

" Jake Troyer had a violent argument with girlfriend Megan Lowe when she admited she loved Justin Bieber- her ex. Now Megan Lowe is still unconscious at a local hospital while he is at a different hospital getting treatments. He will be charged with abuse and will get arrested from this crime but will be soon released. Remember to send love and kisses to Megan!"

I sighed and let tear drop on its own from my eyes....

The nurse gave a ice pack to lay it on my bruises and a doctor will come to me shortly, she said.

I went on twitter and posted a picture of myself and tweeted. "Send Megan Love and Kisses! #FeelBetterMegan" I posted

I checked all my mentions, it was all about that shit that went down.there was a new mention.

" @JustinBieber why do you care so much about Megan than yourself? You havent told us if you were okay?!"

I felt bad.. I tweeted a new tweet.

" Sorry guys, but honestly I will be better soon but right now its the inside that hurts.. " I posted it. #FeelBetterJustin was now spreading but it was about Megan now..

I got up to her room and saw her pretty face with a huge bruise on her left cheek. I went over to her and brushed her cheek.

I closed the room door and sang to her... I felt tears rising up again and pouring out.. I kissed her cheek and held her hand...

"Im Sorry" was my last words to her before I blacked out myself...

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