Chapter 40: Fired

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Justins POV:

After the concert, Megan has been starring at her ring all night. We actually slept together cuddling on my bed. She was happy, and that was all that mattered.


I woke up grasping for air. In my nightmares someone was chocking me...

I got ready for the day and went over to Scooter and Megan in the mini living room.

Scooter was talking on the phone with his new girlfriend Kelly.
I knew that because he was saying babe a lot. I was kinda glad he has a girlfriend now. He isn't so lonely anymore. They had been going on for a long time... He kept it a secret, away from us and mostly the media. He was a cool manager, thee best.

Megan was on her phone, laughing and typing. I loved seeing her laugh and giggle.I could tell today was going to be a great day.

"Morning babe" I said kissing her cheek.

"Morning" she said smiling.

Her dimples were adorable.

I sat next to Her and turned on the tv, and the news popped out.

"Justin Bieber gives long time girlfriend Megan Lowe a promise ring during concert!" said the title

"I'm Chelsea" said the brown haired lady, "And I'm Lexie" said the blonde haired lady

"Today's news is going viral about Justin Bieber! let's start off with last night" said Chelsea

"Well yesterday the couple actually got tattoos together" said Lexie while showing pictures of our tattoos.

"Justin got some artistic drawings in his left arm while Megan who had tattoos on several places, but most importantly she got a tattoo of Justin's name with a heart on her arm." said Chelsea

"Do you think she will ever regret it? What if the two break up? And that she would have to remove the tattoo.. Painfully" Lexie commented

I looked at Meg next to me, she just rolled her eyes.
Now that I think about it,why do people think we are going to break up? I don't see any of that in the future... I am committed to this relationship... It's going to last forever. I could even marry Megan. But we are still young... A young relationship..

"Well the two is still going strong, but they are still young, so who knows what will happen?" said Chelsea.

"Well they seem pretty serious already since yesterday they wrote a song together AND performed it that day! They seem to be pretty quick! Also the most romantic part was when Justin gave her that ring. I thought it was going to be proposal!" shouted Lexie

"I know right! But sadly it wasn't, he was giving her a PROMISE RING. Still romantic, so adorable and cute! The ring was a total of 6000 dollars all together! He made it especially for the both of them and making them match with the heart and wow it was so romantic and beautiful.. I really want a ring like that..." screaming Chelsea.

I smiled at that part.

"Justin!!! What the fuck! 6000 dollars!!!" Megan screamed at me

"What the big deal?" I said. Honestly 6000 dollars were nothing...

"Its so expensive! How much trouble did you get into to do this?" she asked

"It's no biggie Meg. Calm down. I just ordered it making the design myself okay? Right now the money doesn't matter. It's our relationship. Alright? I love you Megan. I'm committed to this relationship and we of course have a future together. Nothing will tear us apart." I said meaningfully

Words weren't enough for the love I have for Meg. Even for a young love I'm really into this... But I seriously hope nothing comes in our way to ruin this.

Megan and I went touring around the city we were in. It was so beautiful and amazing. I love Europe. It was fantastic, Meg and I took pictures together with Scooter and ate new foods. It was so fun.

There were 4 hours Left till the concert.

I was in my room and Megan was in hers skyping her friends on her laptop. I was also on my laptop, creeping on twitter. I followed some fans on twitter and updating my status. The news were going viral about last nights thing at the concert. Our song overboard was very popular. It actually came out this morning.

I laid back on my bed until I heard shouting in the living room. It was Scooters voice.
I got up and left my room. I went over to Scooter.


"HELLO???HELLO!!!" he shouted. "FUCK! THAT BASTARD JUST HUNG UP ON ME!" he shouted and threw his phone on the couch very hard. Good thing he didn't throw it at the window. Just then behind me Megan came in worried.

"What's happening?" she said

"Yeah Scooter, What happened?" I said worried.

"I don't want to talk about it" he said

"It's important isn't it? Just tell us.." I said

"Okay.... I just got...." he said

I already seen it coming.

"Fired" he said making the word out.


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