Chapter 47: I Remember

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Megans POV:

Few weeks passed as Cody and I were growing closer as the pain in my body from Justin was now healing. Tomorrow my album is going to publish, both of them.

Justin is hardly ever talking to me.. he knows something that I dont. There was something wrong about him yet I.. dont know what it is... He would state at me like Im a crazy person. He looks angry but not so angry. It was freaking me out. It was hard to be with Cody while Justin is with us...

I dont know what to do with Justin. He is always apart of my heart. I wonder if he found that box yet? Will he EVER open it?

Scooters POV:

"Noo MAN! Scooter! How can you just beat me! I was the champion!" yelled Justin, as we were playing x-box. Today I was free from my job and was spending time with Justin. Since Justin and Ariana made a great christmas song together already, Justin was free now. He was going to Atlanta to spend time with his friends and mom.

" Well guess there is a new champion noww" I laughed.

He threw a pillow at me. I threw it back. I feel like a child again, Justin has always made me feel like that. He was a great kid.

"So You know uh Ive been getting this weird flashbacks, they arent very clear but its so weird. I dont know if it did happen or is going to happen I have no idea.. Did the surgery go wrong or something?" Justin told me

" Uh, well...No it didnt. You just had a memory loss, so I guess some things are coming back to your head.." I said seriously.

" Hmm Its so weird though, I also see it in my dreams..." he said

That made me nervous. I really did like the fact he was remembering some things but right now I honestly do like Cody and Megan... They arent offically dating but they are coming close...

My phone rang like 1000 times today. Even my messages were blown up. It was Kelly of course. She wasnt like her olden days anymore, she was very wild now. I didnt like that.

"Yo, Scooter just pick up the damn phone! Tell her its OVER!" Justin said

" Yeah I will... soon" I said

" Sureee" he replied

I think I will break up with Kelly. I will be free again.

Justins POV:

God that Kelly chick is really getting on my nerves. Even if I dont know her... she is already crazy! Scooter was still playing the x-box. Ugh. My headache was coming back. I went upstairs to my bathroom and looked at my reflection. What was happening to me? I groaned as my headache got worser... Another flashback.

Im walking with two people. One of them left but the person who had always been there was still next to me. He or She is blurry. But I figure its a girl since she was a bit small. We are walking under a tunnel. We are talking about something that  I cant remember. The next thing I knew we were kissing... and held hands and walked along the tunnel.

Thats it. This is a new flashback though. Its so strange.. Who could I be kissing with? I never dated anyone besides Caitlyn and Selena...  What happened back then?

I took some pain killers and drank up my water. If I asked Scooter about what happened before, he would deny everything and change the subject.

Also that Megan girl... Shes hella weird... But I feel like I have seen her before.. Hmm probably a long time ago when she was working with Scooter. Probably I havent noticed her and thats why I dont really remember her...

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