16. Alternative Beginning #1

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Here's my version of how Lilly and Mr Ambrose meet. :)


I ran as fast as my short feet could take me, doing anything to save my hide. It was not easy, with a bag in one hand and in a full ladies attire. Add a bunch of old fat people staring you while you run like a worn out monkey, it was even more difficult. I tried to ignore their stares as I aimed to go away from this place as quickly as possible.

A thought struck me as I was running through these streets.

I'm never going to see Ella again.

Well, I'm also never going to see my witch of an aunt. That was a relief, I must say. Also, my two evil sisters will be off my concerns. But I'd spent my childhood there, after my parents' death. They were the people I grew up with. I'm quite sure I'm not going to miss them, though, except for Ella. She's my only sister who I actually care about. And to think I'm never meeting her, ever...

There were also my friends - Patsy, Eve, Flora, I'm going to miss seeing them.

And all of this because of a bloody, murderous monster, that son of a bachelor! He acts all slick and charming but that bloody chauvinist is one hell of a bastard!

I wish I didn't go to that ball. This all wouldn't have happened.

"Lilly! We're all going to this ball of Mrs. Bradley! Get ready quick, woman!", I heard my aunt shout from downstairs and then say the same thing to my other sister. I was in no mood to go to any ball. But if I say that to my dear aunt, she would skin me alive before I could say hornswoggle.

Not to mention the amount of legs I would have to stamp, to get rid of another dance with them. And also, put a pretend show in front of the most pretentious ladies in the entire London. Can't a girl live?

I sighed as I took out the only gown I had for ball and decided to dress up as quickly as possible. The sooner, the better.

If I had known what was in store for me, I would have never attended that ball.


After a century long chaise drive, with Anne and Maria asking about their appearances for the thousandth time and my aunt telling us to 'grab' a man and get married off, we finally arrived at the ball.

It was a huge palatial building, with high ceiling decorated with chandeliers. There were musicians on one side and people chatting up on the other. In the centre, were people dancing. Different colours lit the place. But that wasn't what attracted my eyes, no. At the far end of the hallway, there was a refreshment centre! I could smell chocolate from right here. Inviting me to come eat it...

I wasted no more time as I tried to get past hounds of people towards my sweet solid chocolate...

"Miss Linton, is it?", I internally groaned and glared at the person who tried to invade my chocolate time. I came face to face with a tall man, with short hair and brown eyes. He had a very annoying smile on his face that I wanted to punch right there. I gave him my own sweet smile, a kind of smile a predator would give to his prey.

"Why, yes.", I said in a charming manner, trying to get this over with.

"May I have the next dance with you, beautiful lady?" He asked as he offered his hand. I had an instant urge to gag. The pleasantries men use to charm women! And these women fall in their trap too! I had to exert all of my control to not punch that man on the face.

I wanted to say no. I would never dance with any man at a ball. But then out of the corner of my eye I saw my aunt, fiercely glaring at me with a tight lipped smile on her face as if telling me 'if you don't say yes you'll regret seeing another day!'

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