27. Mr Ambrose POV

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Continuation of the last POV of Ambrose that I so abruptly ended lol. Here you go.



Without any warning or signal, her soft, sweet lips were on me. One minute she was talking and the other minute, she was doing far more better things with her lips. My self advice to stay away from this wretched woman — especially specific parts of her, including the one against my lips — all, everything vanished into the air and out of the open window the moment she entered this room.

Now she was kissing me!

And so was I. And I , for all the money in this world, couldn't stop. It felt soft and hesitant, like a first kiss was supposed to feel. I couldn't believe how I had gone all these days without the sweet taste of her lips since the Amazonian jungle. I hadn't even known I needed it, that I had, dare I say, missed it.

But now that I had her under me, with the the hot and sweet taste and the soft texture of her lips, I wanted to savour this moment. Take it very slow so I can feel every little thing. I knew I had lost a part of me, I knew I was emotionless, heartless. But there something about this moment that I wanted to preserve, wanted to keep for myself, for it made me aware that I had, indeed a heart that wanted to leap out of my chest whenever she was around.

So I kissed her and kissed her and kissed her until I could memorize her taste for a lifetime but that wasn't enough. I wrapped my arms around her small body, claiming what was rightfully mine as I pinned her down to the mattress. For one moment, I didn't want it to end and in that blissful, precious moment, it didn't feel like we were two people desperately searching for something, we were one.

But with that moment came a realization.

What will happen if we take it too far?

I had a fair idea what and just the thought of it filled me with uncertainty. And there was one thing, I never liked to be uncertain, about anything. Along with that, there was also this little fact that we were here in the middle of a civilization at my parent's house.

For that you need to stop this, right now.

It felt as if it was impossible to do that. It felt as if I couldn't stop for she felt like an oasis in the desert, a warm fire in the coldest night, that lit up my cold self with a heat so intense it made me burn. Burn, for need, for solace and for her.

Stop! Do it for once and for all!

I tried. I really did. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. Her lips were too much like my drug, drawing me in, making me hazy.

Think about what would happen if you took it too far, the consequences—

That did it. With all the thoughts I, reluctantly and with painstaking efforts, tore myself away from her and scooted towards the far end of the bed. It was the most self restraint I had put in my entire life.

‘Why?’ Her voice said as she rolled on the side to see me.

Really? I took her for a smart woman.

‘Why? You really have to ask me that?’ I know she could see my eyes glitter, so I didn't hide the truth. ‘After what you just did? God, if you touch me one more time, I won't be able to stop myself!’

Slowly raising to her hands and feet, she scooted toward me. ‘Who says you have to stop?’ I would have scooted back but I didn't want to fall off this bed. She was making this difficult for me, far more difficult than it already was, and it was bad, especially considering the fact of how painfully attracted I was to her.

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