12. Mr Ambrose POV

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iS mATh RelAtEd tO SCiEncE?

Seriously guyss im done! 😂


Anyways dedication time :

ISHIPBUTCHERCUP for blowing up my notifs yesterday.. :)


Thanks all of you who voted and commented!


As we got rid of Lieutenant Alvarez and his men, we coursed into the deepest darkest hearts of Amazonian forests for refuge.

But there was one thing about jungles - they were extremely hot and humid. And by hot, I mean boiling hot, hotter than the Egyptian weather but as a matter of fact, it was all perceptual. I should know this because I've had enough journeys throughout the world to overcome every type of weather condition. I had found the most optimal techniques for protection against most kinds of weather.

The same, although, couldn't be said about Mr Linton.

The fiery creature behind me was not so surprisingly affected by the temperature. From the corner of my eye, I could see her sweating like a waterfall had been dropped on her. The heat making her wet hair stick to her forehead. Her clothes were a mess from the muddy moist jungle.

You got all that from one look? Well well, if you aren't her keen observer.

That is one of my talents, among others. Also, I was, without a doubt standing in front. Why would I want to be at the back? I was the richest man in the entire British Empire! Being a second or third wasn't my policy. It, for some reason made me uneasy keeping her at the very back. With all the enemies on trail anyways, it was wise to have Karim as last.

But aren't you a tad bit disappointed that Karim would be able to see her and not you? And also, it would be quite disturbing to have her in front of you.

No way! It's him. And he's my secretary. It is abominable to have such thoughts!

‘Bloody hell!’ I heard he-his! voice from behind me as he seemed to be wiping off the sweat. ‘And I mean literally! How can it be this hot here? I thought the desert were supposed to be hot!’

‘High humidity’ I decided to deem her with a curt answer, not wanting to waste time on unnecessary conversations. ‘The higher the humidity, the hotter human senses perceive it to be.’

That was true because due to our vicinity to the sea, it was very humid here. But our senses perceive the temperature to be hot due to it. Emphasis on ‘perceive’.

‘What? You mean it's not really this hot?’

‘Exactly. Your body is a fallible animal. Simply ignore its false information.’

This was a simple trick. Something that was also useful in such journeys.

‘Oh, thanks so much. That's great help.’

For some reason she didn't seem as quite thankful.

‘You are welcome, Mr Linton.’

We were only a few dozen yards away after our conversation when I heard something collapsing. I knew exactly what it was and I was tempted to roll my eyes. I stopped and turned to get only to see my very athletic secretary slumped in the mud. We had to get as move on if wanted to be alive!

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