19. Alternative Beginning #4

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Here it is - part 4!

Thanks NizriMusthafa for motivation for this chapter. :)

Here you go bros :


Mr. Ambrose

I got out of the secret house as quickly as I could. Without looking back, I closed the door behind me, not bothering to know if she stays or not.

What was I going to do? What happened to me?

The question kept lingering in my mind all the way to the Empire House. It was like I was in a trance, a hypnosis of sorts. I didn't know what I was doing. I did not have a bit of control over my actions. How could have I acted so irrationally? It was like she was the magnet and I was the metal getting attracted to her.

But that was not the case of course.

It had been only 27 hours, 16 minutes and 52 seconds since I met her. She is a possible suspect for Lord Dalgliesh’s spy. She is very conniving as it is. Had she not been so, why would she be out so early?

Maybe because she is human and have basic human necessities of food and your stingy ass wouldn't provide for that?

That was, of course, one of the possibilities that seemed to be at the bottom of my list of concerns. My encounters with imposters have left me a fair enough impression of what extents they could go to conceal themselves, woman or not.

Woman…She is an attractive young girl. Is that why you were drawn to her?

I was certainly not drawn to her! I did nothing of sorts to disdain her honour, spy or not. Admittedly, her intellect was more than a little average in comparison with the other women in England but she would not fool me!

But you left her in the cottage.

That house was meant for my secret operations. She, being one of them. Yes, I left her but not before strategically thinking it through. If she was actually a spy of Dalgliesh, she would try to run, she would be afraid and seek this as her only chance of her survival with my knowledge of her identity.

I was satisfied by the fact.

Oh how wronged is she!

She doesn't know that it being my secret house, nobody expect my men know a way out. It is practically a maze. Before any of my men could catch her, she would be trapped. And even if she escapes, knowing Dalgliesh, he would not let her live with a failed mission.

I awaited the moment to see her fall.

I was standing in front of my headquarters before I realized. Without wasting another minute, I marched to my office. It was a satisfaction seeing people pale and scurry away at my presence alone. Everyone but one.

‘Karim!’ I barked as I reached my office and in no time my bodyguard was present.

‘Yes Sahib!’ One cool look and he knew what I wanted to hear. ‘I did as was asked. The results are…unexpected Sahib. She did not lie about her name. She had been missing from her house and there were men of Dalgliesh outside her house. Also, Lord Dalgliesh truly intends to purchase that Engine model before you.’

Unexpected, indeed. But I never deem to believe something by mere facts.

‘How sure are you about the latter?’

‘Very sure, Sahib! I beat 12 goons into pulp to get it out of them. 4 of them confirmed it. Others are dead.’

‘Adequate Karim.’

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