15. With Your Love

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Mr. Ambrose POV :

As soon as I exited my beloved Empire House, I started walking down the street. Taking long strides, not even slowing my steps I intended to take a right turn-towards my house-but my legs, the traitorous little fellow, on their own volition took a left turn.

I tried to halt my steps but to no avail as I couldn't help but walk where my feet were taking me.


My inner self warned to that certain part of my body but it seemed like they were quite inspired by little devil from hell, my little ifrit, as they completely disobeyed me and took me to a destination I couldn't fathom.

I looked up to come face-to-face with a grocer's shop. The block letters 'JOHN CADBURY' highlighted the exterior of the shop making my mind to command my legs and head straight to home. Why? Because those words were peeking in my pockets and had determined to take my money.

I glared at the shop.

What did they think?! I would spend my money on such useless stuff which melts the moment you enter in your mouth. Did they earnestly think I would melt my money in my mouth? In the name of King Midas, I won't do that deed even if the God from the heaven ordered me. Of course, I would surely be a devout if he offered some money to me instead of ordering.

I tried to move my legs away from the dangerous place where my money was threatened, but I could only feel my toes twitching as I couldn't move my feet.

And when I thought my legs were the traitor, my mouth was the sinner.

'Give me five bars of chocolate.'

Damnation! Why the hell five?!

When I tried to take my words back, my hands dug deep into my pockets and handed money to the young boy who in return gave me the muddy-food.

I turned round as I was down the street.

With the long strides, my legs seemed to move towards my house.

Finally, they were under my control.

I couldn't help but try to justify my unusual action.

Obviously, it was a beneficial act. Act kind of 'hit two with one stone',more likely 'hit three with one stone'. After all, that mere piece of bar will feed three stomachs simultaneously. And, I couldn't let my wife carrying my two children starve. And not to forget, I'll get to see that smile.


'You, You both! Stop kicking me.'

'Hey stop moving or I'll fall taking you both down with me!'

'Let me work. I swear to my fat tummy, I'm gonna talk to you later when your father is home.'

Standing in the doorway of the kitchen, I looked at the woman-with the fat in front and back-standing on the chair while caressing her stomach as she was indiscreetly talking, oblivious to my presence.

I took a moment as I watched her actions as my lips curved up and I did the thing which I thought I lost the ability decade ago.

I smiled.

I seemed to do that a lot lately. I'm quite sure it's the ifrit's spell. Only she had the ability to bring that side of me. Only she had the power to bring an emotion of mine-correction : all emotions of mine-which I lost fifteen years ago with my family.

And here was she, blessing me with a family, I thought I would never get again.

Folding my hands across my chest, leaning against the wall, I look intently as she tiptoed her bulgy figure and tried to reach her hands towards the upper shelf.

But her weight pulled her down as she poured the list of profanities to her stomach.

Sighing, she tried once again but never gave up. Again, but didn't succeed.

As I couldn't let her suffer in this condition,and of course, not wanting her to fall, I decided to show up.

'Lillian, what are-' my voice startled her as she lost her balance and ended up falling in my arms.

I held her carefully-the weight of three making it tough-as I placed her feet on the floor precisely.

And, that was a huge mistake of mine. No,not the one of catching her. Of course, letting her feet touch the ground.

She pointed her index finger towards me, 'You bastard! Why did you have to make an appearance and make me lose my balance.Blast you!'

I held her upper arm to calm her.

'If I had not showed up, you would have fallen.. And, what were you doing up there? I warned no such active work when you're due date is just a month away.' I stated coolly.

'So what should I do? Wait for you to come home?! Rikkard, I can't always wait for your arrival. I can't do anything if that's the case.'

Indeed, she was right.

I sighed as wrapped my arms around her aggressive figure.

'I hate you, Rikkard. I really hat-' her hands travelled across my chest. Suddenly, a huge grin spread across her face as she found the five bars precisely placed in my tailcoat pocket, '-love you. I really really love you.'

She kissed my cheeks as she kept grinning holding the chocolate in her hands.

Indeed that act was beneficial. Her smile was worth all of my money.


Just a short cute chapter 'cause why not?

I'm thinking about doing more preggy Lilly chapters because I love writing them and we would never see something like this in the real book. :|

Random Question :

What set of twins is your favorite?

I'm ripped apart between the Sprouse Twins and the Dolan Twins! So can't choose. What about you?

Don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT.

your next door fangirl,

Mariya :)

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