28. Alternative Beginning #8

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For almost an hour, I conspired the ways to annoy the hell out of him. I even tried to annoy him by constantly knocking on the door, pressing my lips against the key hole and making strange noises until the door opened and Mr. Ambrose looked at me. Of course, my plan failed. That damn bastard didn't even react as expected, infact didn't react at all. He eyed me coolly as I didn't belong to this planet and then slammed the door straight on my face.

And so, I gave up the idea to rile him up. After all, nobody could set an ice berg on fire. It was impossible. And, I wasn't a fan of wasting my time doing the impossible. Call it the effect of living with Mr. I-don’t-waste-a-damn-second.

I glanced outside the window as the snowfall was clearly evident. The contrast in the environment was mesmerizing. The snow fell from the dark night sky replacing the beauty of moon and stars with its own. The chill air passed through the opening forcing me to shut the window. As I headed towards the window, I saw the beautiful view in front of me. The snow slid from the green leaves - making the branches of the tree shiver - and touched the ground. That was when I noticed the entire forest covered in the thick carpet of snow. The dazzling ice reflected the moonlight. The cold wind hit my skin freezing to death. I immediately shut the window and made my way towards the kitchen with the sudden to to have something hot.

Okay, cooking wasn't my thing. But, I had to satisfy my hunger in order to continue breathing on this earth and to discover more novel and adventurous things.

So, I got my hands together in preparing the soup. It took me more than three hours to make just a surple of soup. Most of my time was utilized in chopping of the jungly vegetables as I was working as fast as a tortoise (forget about the fact that I cut my fingers thrice and ran towards my knapsack for ointment.) I should really had paid attention while my aunt was teaching me how to cook. I would really have if not her intentions were to help me feed my future nonexistent husband.

When I was finally done, I placed myself on the armchair with a bowl (which I found after almost an hour somewhere in the corner. So now you could see why it took me more than three hours to cook.) of soup in my hand. I felt the heat of the bowl in the cold climate as I enjoyed myself with the splendid view outside. The drifting snow was indeed a sight to behold. It was a true beauty. I wondered whether everything cold is that mesmerizing.

You don't seem to talk about the weather anymore.

I chose to ignore the thought as I enjoyed the hot soup. Emphasis on hot. Oh yes, I burned my tongue.

Finally, when I was done with my soup and enjoying my precious moments of complete serenity, I made way towards the kitchen in order to serve the another human being living in the same house. Of course, I would share my soup with him. I had troubled him enough for a day and I couldn't be that cruel to kill him with hunger. And, that bastard as he was wouldn't care to get up off his chair and his damn work and eat something to survive. After all, I was more sensible than him.

That was how I ended knocking at his door again.

But before I could twist the knob and enter - after knocking the door more than thrice - the door opened and cold gaze met mine freezing me on the spot. The cold climate outside was suddenly prominent as the chill ran down my spine.

‘Miss Linton, what do you want?’

His voice was as cold as the snow drifting from the sky outside.

And here I thought I couldn't feel the cold more. The glare he gave could shatter the world into pieces. Perhaps, I managed to piss him off.

Yay! I did made him furious after all!

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