25. No Control

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I was supposed to post this later but considering the lack of Lilly-Ambrose moments in the latest chapter (at least for Radish readers) I decided to speed my post. So here you go!


I was walking down the corridor of the manor - which looked more like a castle to me - with furnished walls and carpeted floors when my eyes met the smiling face of Mrs Samantha Genevieve Ambrose. Her broad smile was so intimidating that I had to take a step back and regain my composure. I smiled back at her awkwardly.

'Oh, Miss Linton!'

'Marchioness.' I curtsied. 'and please call me Lilly.'

At my statement her smile broadened beyond any possibilities. I was rather known to the such smiling of mothers and especially the intention behind them. Whatever inadequacies Aunt Brank might have, she had been really quite educative on the matter.

'How amusing of you, Lilly, when you call me that! I have told you to refer me by Lady Samantha. I wouldn't hear otherwise!' She admonished.

I bit back a smile. Though she acted like most mothers do and scolded and put me back in place, I couldn't help but feel warmth at the underlying lovingness in her voice. It gave me the feeling of a love that fate had never permitted me to have.

'You seem quite elated today.'

Her smile broadened even more. At this point, I was beginning to question her humanness.

'Well, that's because I am! Very elated!' she said as she clapped her hands together.

'To what do you owe this sense of euphoria, may I ask?' I asked with the same smile though I knew what it was.

'Ah! Don't you know! Today is the ball. I had informed your brother to be there too.' She looked behind me as if my alter ego would jump out of my body and do a cartwheel for her.

'He...was down with some work in the town. I'm afraid he won't be able to be here today'

Her smile faltered but never once ceased.

'Pity.' She shook her head. 'I had discussed some plans with him with respect to this ball.'

'Don't worry, Mar-' she shot me a look. '-I mean, Lady Samantha.' I smiled. 'Everything is going to go fine. You don't have to worry about the ball.' I waved a dismissive hand. 'I also apologize for my brother's absence but if there's something that you need help in, consider me in.'

She gave me a look of incredulity.

'How could I, Lillian! You are our guest and I would not bother you with such work. The ball is in 3 hours and the hall might be filling any minute!'

Then suddenly, as if realizing now, her gaze fell upon my dress, my face and my hair.

'Oh Lillian! You aren't ready! The ball is about to start soon and look at you!'


'No! I would not hear another word from you! You will go and get ready now!' If there was one thing that Mr Ambrose got from his mother, it would be his commanding abilities. 'Claire! Denise!' At her call, two young girls came rushing down the hall in maid dresses. 'Take Miss Linton with you and get her ready for the ball.' The two girls nodded profusely and looked at me with a smile. It made me wonder how a house where everyone smiled more than they ate or slept, belonged to someone with world class smiling abilities like Mr Ambrose.

I was about to protest about how this is just another ball and special dressing up by maids is not necessary but one single look at her and my mouth was sealed. It looked like if I argued even with a word, she would bring a bulldozer and pummel me to grind.

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