48. Mr. Ambrose POV

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This is getting into the head of a icy granite who I won't name.

Chapter 47 ~ Wrapping Things Up (Part 1)



Complete, cold, determined silence.

I was resolved to ask Miss Linton something, something which would knock some sense in her feminine mind. But for some reason, I wasted my productive time being non-productive with lack of my words. I tried to reach out to my vocal chords but they were determined in greater aspect than me and chose to behave absolutely dumb. My brain was trying to order them but it was too busy processing the certain ‘U’ shaped fabric - which could easily occupy my whole hand for I was well-accustomed to cram myself in any cloth - beholding my sight.


‘Miss Linton?’


‘Is that...is that a-’


All my hands needed was confirmation and when they received that, they snapped shut around the little thing and crushed it.

‘Hey!’ She protested. ‘It took me quite a while to make that!’

I thought my actions would cease her in her profound strategy but as ifrit as she was, she reached into the drawer again, and dangled the duplicate of u-seless thing in front my face. I felt my ears burning red with shyness - the emotion which I had left along with this house 10 years ago - and I concealed it with unpleasant countenance.

‘Miss Linton. Do you mean to tell me that before we engage in amorous congress, you wish me to...to…’

‘...wrap up your belly-tickler? Yes, that was the idea.’

‘Miss Linton!’

‘What?’ I could see her raising her eyebrows in the slightest moonlight. ‘You didn't think that I’d let you get me pregnant and then end up marrying you after all, although I don't really want to, did you?’

I couldn't give her the answer the way my silence gave. Of course, I had planned this strategy which I thought she couldn't be smart enough to decipher it.

She’s smarter than most of the employees in your empire.

‘You did! You bloody son of the bachelor! You were banking on me getting pregnant!’

‘Banking always have been one of my favourite occupations.’

She thumped my chest. ‘Be serious!’

‘I always am, Miss Linton.’

And, I don't waste my time on things which doesn't profit my opinions.

Oh yes? What about the time and money you wasted whole ‘find her’ thing when Dalgliesh held her? And of course, you don’t ‘love’ her.

‘That’s what you were trying to do? She whispered, her voice cracked at the end. ‘You were really trying to get me pregnant?’

In the beam of moonlight, in the dark, I met her gaze with mine, portraying a part inside me with my gaze alone, leaving it bare in front of her to understand the truth.

‘Of course. It was the perfect solution for my problem.’

‘Your problem?’


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