33. Alternative Beginning #9

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Recap of last AB because that was so long ago (sorry) :

Lilly offers him soup and he takes it and slams the door on her face and is in his room the whole day. Then Lilly goes to read a book and she falls asleep in the cold. He takes her bed and tucks her in.


I sat upon the window sill seeing the snow cover everything around in its canopy. Mr Ambrose had not turned up in this house for two days now and to be utterly honest, it was getting quite boring here. No matter how stony, cold and amazingly silent he was, he was quite entertaining with his presence alone. And what he did the other day…

Don't think about it! It was a dream! A silly dream that you had!

It had to be. Mr-Rikkard-Ambrose-I’m-made-of-stone can't be kind enough to do that to anyone, let alone me.

But then I was on the bed in the morning. An explanation for which I didn't have. Did he really...?

I squashed the thought before it could complete itself. It simply wasn't possible even in wild, wild fantasies. Mr Ambrose was a man who had as much as emotions inside him as a volcano had ice.

I was drowning myself in my thought just when the door burst open and in came a man with sea blue eyes and a face of Adonis. But this time that was not that grabbed my attention. Trailing behind him were two huge beasts, who looked suspiciously like dogs; if dogs were the size of lions.

My first thought was to run away from the two giant beasts. But then I saw Mr Ambrose holding the reigns of the two, controlling them as if he was their master. Then it dawned to me. Because he was. They were his animals! But they looked enormously huge to be pets.

He came closer to me with the two trailing behind him. I almost backed until I realized that I should not be afraid of these two if he wasn't! I won't back away. With courage, I stood my ground.

Maybe he was trying to scare me away with these giants and truth be told, somewhere I was a bit afraid but I did not show.

The two dogs barked at me as the reigns were let loose, snarling at me as with so much hate as if they'd eat me at one command. But there was a dominating aura around Mr Ambrose that the dogs didn't move a step forward without his command. They just barked at me and I stepped back once.

‘These are one of the deadliest dogs in the world.’ Came a cold voice from behind. I swallowed as I looked at the hungry beasts.

‘You don't say.’ I said without looking at him.

‘One would want to get away from them as soon as possible.’

‘You're not wrong.’ I said, trying to be brave as I stayed in my place. Mr Ambrose began to step back. ‘Wait, are you going to keep them here?’

‘Of course Miss Linton, they are my dogs and they are staying here.’

‘I thought you gave your word to me to stay as long as I wish. But you're persistent to drive me away from here.’

‘Privacy is all that I've preferred, Miss Linton. I don't desire to occupy my place with an insolent female. As for my words, I told you to stay as long as you wish. And indeed, you wouldn't wish to stay here longer than you think. I'll take care of that.’

He tied the dogs there and with a last glance in my direction, Mr. Ambrose dashed out of the door leaving the dogs for me.

That son of a bachelor! I'm the insolent one?!

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