46. 21st Century #6

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In last few days, I was so engaged in my work, so much dedication I submitted to my work that I didn’t notice time passing by with a speed of stormy wind. Hours passed as minutes; minutes as seconds. I was so busy in concentrating in what Mr. Ambrose was saying that day, explaining the important details; that, when I came home my head was hurting like hell and I was exhausted. Lack of sleep (of course, I spent the whole night on social media) and healthy food wasn’t helping at all. So exhausted was I that I started deluding things.

When I entered my flat, I felt somebody else's presence when I knew Ella was out today on a date with her boyfriend and other than I, she was the only one with the key.

Don’t you think there might some burglar or thief?

Better safe than sorry!

So I grabbed the nearest object which I could find (which was T.V.’s remote) and tiptoed in my own house, making sure there was pin-drop silence. I leaned against the wall for a second, pressing my ears against, anticipating a sound before entering into my bedroom. A silhouette of a figure was the first thing catching my attention. Pretending the remote to be a gun, I aimed it at the intruder –  when I realised that it was of no use – I threw it at him, hitting his head.

“Ouch...” The intruder rubbed his forehead, dropping his phone from his hand. Wait...his phone? Do the thieves have phones? Nevertheless, I did my victory dance for my perfect aim when the familiar voice filled my senses. “Lilly, is that the polite way to greet your guests?”

I merely shrugged looking at him as I did my best to show him that I didn’t think he was an intruder for then he would be victorious in scaring the shit out of me and troll me for this rest of my life.

“Guests, not; but best friends, yes.”

Getting up, he faced me with his charming smile. “Admit it, you were scared, weren’t you?”

“Did you fall upside down and hit his head when you were born? Well, that would explain the little injury your brain has developed.”

“Hahaha, you were scared!”

“Okay, I was but anyone would be if they find someone in their bedroom, especially when they weren’t expecting anyone.”

“Last week, I did inform you that I am coming next week.”

“Well, then what are you doing in my bedroom? You could have waited in hall.”

“Oh c'mon Lilly, your room has the best Wi-fi speed! No more talks now, come here!” He opened his arms as I literally ran towards him. His arms wrapped around me as I cherished the presence of my best friend who was always there with me; in my best and in my worst. “I missed you, Lil.”

“I missed you too, Jam.”


“Good Morning, Sir.”

For a second, Mr. Ambrose’s eyes left the laptop screen and he greeted me with a nod, the only thing which showed me that he acknowledged my presence.

I was very vivacious and in a very good mood that day. The credit was all to the mere presence of James. The day before consisted of us watching Infinity War. And then we placed bet before regarding who would die and if any of us were to lose the bet, we would have to get a tattoo related to the movie. And of course, James ended up with his first temporary tattoo inked on wrist.

James’ tattoo consisted of Steve Rogers covering his face with his shield and besides it the letters printed were,

Captain Carter

I laughed all the way home just for his clichèness and-

“Miss Linton, are you going to waste time all day with your witless thoughts standing on the door? If such is your notion, just turn around and walk out of my office.”

I swear when he uttered all those words, his eyes were still fixed as a security guard would watch over banks of England on his precious laptop. I wouldn't know what work I had to do if he chose to hide his face in his cheap electrical device.

I cleared my throat to grab his attention.


I cleared once again this time audible enough ( I bet the first time it was audible too just for some reason his hearing senses were being defective) that his cold eyes met mine, freezing me to death. I’m sure I wouldn't be shocked if tomorrow he claims to be Elsa’s long lost brother.

“If you're having cold, Miss Linton, I will recommend you to go to the doctor - after your shift. Now, come here and write the notes that I dictate to you.”

I hurried towards the vacant seat and my whole day was spent sitting on that seat taking notes as Mr. Ambrose dictated me while talking on his phone, going through the charity ball invitation and discarding the useless ones and rearranging his schedule of Saturday.

In order to lighten the temperature of the room, I gave him a sly smile,

“Why, sir, are you going on a date with someone on Saturday?”


“Is it a man?”

He glared me freezing the existence out of my soul.

So he's not gay. Lucky you, Lilly!

“Of course, not. What makes you consider such insipid thought as that?”

“Well, women are more intelligent than men. And no sane women would let you ‘waste’ your money on her.”

“Women are unfortunate with less intelligence.”

“And, who that unlucky brainless person would be?”

The intensity in his eyes increased as he looked into the depths of my eyes. His sea blue eyes neither blinked nor flickered as he conveyed an unwavering vow with his gaze alone. And, when finally his lips moved uttering a single yet horrifying word, my jaw dropped.


I was fallen face first in a cliff in my mind by now.

Excuse me! I’m saner than most of the cake faced women who would agree to go on a date with you! And, I never agreed to go on a date with you!”

“You would agree if I asked which I'm never going to do Miss Linton. You're not coming to this date, you're coming as my date due to your obliged duty as my secretary. Now, I want to you to come in the very best attire. As a personal guest of Prince Harry, I don't want my secretary to embarrass me at The Royal Wedding.”


Heyyy, it's Mariya hereee

Gosh it's been so long since I've seen you guys. I'm gonna say I missed you.

Anyways, how are y'all doing? If you ask me, I'm still pretty shooketh about Infinity War. Best thing that's happened to 2018 so far! Have you seen it and if you did who was your most favorite character in the movie and why? Let me knoww

Alsooo are you team yanny or laurel? I hear both but mostly yanny ajsjsjls

I swear this is the 2018 version of the black/blue and white/gold dress. I saw it as white/gold. What did you see?

Anywaysss, hope you have a good day and you're not too hungry. All the best if you're giving any kind of exams.



My Miser  +A Storm & Silence Fanfiction+Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora