Chapter 6-

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"So what brings you to Beacon Hills? Well 60km away from Beacon Hills but you know, same thing." Parrish asks looking down from the roof top at Derek who throws him the hammer from the tool box in the back of the Toyota.

"Just been driving the country side looking for jobs. The sheriff offered this one and I couldn't find a reason to turn it down." Derek answers casually but he could honestly find a hundred different reasons to turn it down, yet he stayed.

"I get that. I use to be one of his deputies at the station in town and when he offered this job to me, I couldn't turn it down. It's not the best pay but I get free lunches, a roof over my head and the guys here are like family to me." Parrish responds and Derek nods. "For someone who doesn't talk very much Stiles seems to like you and if I'm being honest it's hard to get that kid to like you. He wasn't a fan of me when I first got the job but that might be because I was the first farm hand after his mother passed away so that's understandable. But still it's hard to get him to like you that quickly, so whatever you have done, keep it up."

"I don't even know what've done." Derek answers as he takes a drink of his water bottle.

"I think it's because you're quiet. Stiles isn't a fan of people snooping in his personal stuff and I guess you being quiet you don't do that at all, maybe that's it." Parrish offers and Derek shrugs his shoulders as the other man starts to climb down the roof when the ladder begins to wobble and fall backwards. "Shit! Derek!" Parrish shouts but Derek was already watching and grabs the ladder leaning back against the roof as he holds it still until Parrish reaches the safety of the dirt.

"You alright?" Derek asks taking the ladder back down and Parrish nods.

"Thanks man, that would have been a high fall." Parrish says looking back up at the roof of the shed with a cringe.

The rest of the day goes by fairly fast, Derek spends it back at the driveway patching up that fence. He has lunch with the other farm hands and Stiles, he sat next to Boyd who he found doesn't talk as much as the others and they hit it off quite well. After lunch he goes back to the fence and by the time he's finished the sun was already setting for another day. He washes up and has tea with the sheriff and Stiles.

"Who's motorbike is that in the old shed?" Derek asks as he finishes his food. He's been wondering that for a while. It was dirty and looked as if its been sitting there for a few years and he hasn't seen any other motorbikes around the place.

"The old dirt bike? Use to me mine for when we would round up the cattle. But it died on me years ago and now that I have the farm hands who use horses to do that stuff, I never bothered getting it fixed." The sheriff explains and Derek nods.

"Do you ride motorbikes?" Stiles asks joining the convention and Derek nods again.

"Well hey, if you can make the bike work then you can have it. I don't use it anymore and the boys all like riding horses better anyway." The sheriff says and Derek looks over at him trying to work out if he's serious.

"Are you sure sir?" He asks and the sheriff nods, he hasn't rode a bike in years. His father taught him how to ride when he was a young boy and ever since then he's been hooked to it. There's just nothing like riding on a motorbike around the farm to clear your head and to just get away from everything, he misses doing that.

"What about horses? Do you ride horses?" Stiles asks and Derek shakes his head.

"I use to but not anymore." Derek answers and Stiles opens his mouth to say something but then closes it again thinking otherwise. "Anyway I better let you guys go, thank you for tea Mr Stilinski."

"Please son, call me John." The sheriff replies and Derek nods in response.

"Wait, before you go, tomorrow I need to go to town to get a few things and you can come if you want?" Stiles asks and Derek nods again. "Alright great, we leave bright and early. I want to avoid the usual rush of people."

The Dangers of Falling (in Love)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें