Chapter 14-

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"Stiles? Where's my son?" The Sheriff's voice booms through the hospital. Derek looks up for the first time in what feels like hours to see the Sheriff at the front desk shouting at a young receptionist who looks terrified.

"Sheriff." Derek tries to call out but his voice coming out cracked and broken.

The Sheriff turns around and spots him sitting by himself on the other side of the room and he freezes seeing the way Derek looks.

"Derek?" The Sheriff asks walking quickly over to him.

Derek tries to stand up but the pain erupts in his knee and he bites his lip to stop himself from screaming. Suddenly the Sheriff's strong hands are on his shoulders guiding him back to his seat.

"Wheres Stiles? What's happening?" He quickly asks and Derek shakes his head.

"Snake bite, they're trying to save him." Derek answers, tears still in his eyes as he looks up at the older man. "He's down that hall, they won't let me be with him, family only. Please don't let him be alone." Derek begs.

"What room?" The Sheriff asks in a serious tone.

"Room 22." Derek says and with that the Sheriff runs in the direction Derek got dragged from earlier.

*2 hours later*

"Derek." Melissa's voice calls softly and he lifts his head from his hands to find her standing next to him with a sympathetic look on her face. "You were right about it being a copperhead snake and Stiles is now in a stable condition thanks to you." She says and Derek sighs with relief hearing those words. Stiles just might be okay.

"He should have never been in that situation to begin with." Derek says shaking his head. "Can I see him now?"

"Not yet, it's still family only and he's going to be asleep for a while from all the stuff the doctor gave him. But in a couple days he will be back to his bubbly, hyperactive self." Melissa informs and Dereks nods not trusting his voice at the moment. "Don't worry once Stiles wakes up you will be able to see him, in the mean time you look like you could use a coffee. Go downstairs to the cafeteria and grab yourself a drink, Stiles will still be sound asleep when you get back." Melissa says pointing towards two large doors and Derek nods as she walks away getting back to work.

After a few minutes he decides to go to the cafeteria via the bathroom to take a look at his knee which has been throbbing painfully the entire time he's been in the waiting room.


He closes the cubical door behind himself putting the toilet seat down for a seat before undoing his belt and pulling his jeans down below his knees. He sits down on the toilet seat in only his boxers and looks down at his right knee. It was red and swollen and by the deep black bruising around the knee cap he knew it wasn't good. He had only just gotten rid of the bruises on his face, he sighs shaking his head putting his pants back on before walking towards the bathroom sink and splashing water on his face. He knew it wouldn't help much to reduce the redness around his eyes from his tears earlier when he thought Stiles was going to die.

He shakes his head trying not think about it, he can't even imagine what he would have done if Stiles had died.

He gets taken away from his thoughts when he hears the bathroom door open to the left. He glances over to the person and he curses in his head. Out of all the people in this town it has to be this guy. Derek stands himself up a little bit straighter washing his hands under the sink even though he doesn't need to.

"Are you fucking following me and my girlfriend?" Jackson suddenly shouts and Derek glances back over to the man who's arms were now crossed over his chest trying to look intimidating.

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