Chapter 25-

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"You were dead." Chris states taking a step back from Derek in shock, not knowing what to do or how the man would react.

"What?!" Stiles voice shouts from the background but right now all Derek could focus on was the man in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" Derek questions his hands forming into fists by his side. "Where's Kate? You guys back to finish the job?!"

"Derek, calm down." Chris says raising his hands slowly. "I'm here because I live here, with my daughter Allison. I'm not here to hurt you."

"Bullshit! Where's Kate?!" Derek shouts taking a few steps closer to Chris. Everyone else in the room has long forgotten their drinks and cake, too caught up watching the two of them.

"She's not here, I haven't spoken to her since the night of the fire." Chris responds but Derek shakes his head walking closer to him.

"No you're lying. Where is she?!" Derek yells grabbing the collar of Chris' jacket forcefully.

"She isn't here!" Chris states sternly in a calm voice as Derek pushes him against the wall.

"Then what's your plan? Kate killed Laura and now what? You're gonna kill me? Hu? Like the rest of my family!" Derek shouts as he punches Chris on the side of his face, slamming his back into the wall.

"Derek!" Someone's voice shouts in the background but everything was buzzing in his mind he couldn't workout who said it. Chris Argent is here, which means Kate isn't too far away. They burnt his family alive, murdered his sister, he will be damned if he lets that happen to anyone else. "Derek stop!" A different voice yells but he doesn't respond as he punches Chris again.

"Hurt me all you want Derek but you're the one who's already been hurt. So go ahead, hit me if it makes you feel better but I didn't kill your family. Kate and Gerard did. They locked your parents and siblings in the basement and set the house on fire around them, not me." Chris says sternly causing Derek to let go of his shirt taking a stumbling step backwards grabbing hold of the table next to him to keep him up right. They locked his family in the basement... they trapped them before starting the fire...

"Derek what the hell?!" Stiles shouts from behind him somewhere as nearly everyone rushes over to Chris' side.

"Mr Argent are you alright?" The Sheriff's voice asks walking towards the other man as Derek takes more steps back away from Chris in panic trying to take in the information.

"I'm fine." Chris replies to the Sheriff as he shakes Allison off glancing back up to Derek. "Derek I'm telling the truth, I left the family business after the fire. They aren't here." Chris yells in a calm tone but Derek was anything but calm as he trips over one of the chairs falling to the ground.

"Y-your lying, like Argents always do!" Derek shouts trying to calm his breathing as he forces himself back onto his feet. He glances over at everyone else, all crowded around Chris with shocked and confused faces and then his eyes land on Stiles. The boy was standing next to Allison with a angry and disappointed look on his face but Derek didn't expect any less, no one ever believes him when it comes to the Argents.

"Derek? Son calm down." The Sheriff says looking away from Chris and now at him as he takes more steps backwards until his back hits the bar.

"I- I need go. I have to go." Derek mutters ignoring Stiles and the Sheriff calling his name as he rushes out the back door and runs towards the farm ute.

The Argents are here, they have been here the whole time. He has to leave, he has to go right now, he isn't scared to die, he has nothing to live for anymore. But he won't let Stiles and his friends and family come down with him, he can't drag Stiles into this mess, which is why he needs to get the hell out of here right now before it's too late.

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