Chapter 38-

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* the next day *

"The glass is clearly half full!" Scott states pointing towards the glass of water in the middle of the table.

"No! It's half empty!" Stiles argues as Parrish and Boyd sigh crossing their arms, watching them argue. They have been at it for the past half hour and Parrish was really starting to regret starting the conversation.

"Look at the glass, all it would take is another half a glass and it will be full. So, therefore the glass is half full!" Scott explains and Stiles rolls his eyes.

"No. You already drank half the glass. So therefore it is half empty!" Stiles retaliates with a grin when the sound of rain gets louder as Derek opens and closes the door to the cottage.

"Derek! Save us." Parrish quickly says before Derek even had a chance to take off his boots.

"Do you know it's hailing outside?" Derek questions as he walks into the living room, taking off his now drenched jacket leaning against his chair.

"It's been raining nonstop since last night, the amount of times I nearly went ass up walking from the house to the cottage this morning is crazy." Stiles comments shaking his head as he takes a drink of his orange juice and Derek snorts imagining Stiles slip in the mud.

"Bred is in freezer, do you mind putting four slices in the toaster while you're up?" Parrish asks and Derek nods making his way towards the kitchen.

"Anyway, back on a more important topic. The glass is half full." Scott continues staring down Stiles who shakes his head.

"Half empty." Stiles replies sternly as Boyd groans in annoyance.

"Would you guys stop arguing." Boyd says glancing between the two.

"We're not arguing, we're just having a mature discussion." Scott replies.

"No, we're arguing." Stiles responds as he fiddles with the glass in front of him.

"We're having a discussion." Scott argues and Boyd throws his hands in the air in surrender.

"I give up. You two argue like an old married couple." Boyd responds and Parrish nods in agreement.

"If I kill one of you, will that end whatever this is?" Derek questions walking towards the table as he takes a seat.

"You would probably get sent to jail and jail ain't fun, I can tell you that much." Stiles replies taking another drink of his orange juice.

"Have you been to jail?" Derek questions raising his eyebrows at his boyfriend.

"Once. In monopoly." Stiles admits turning to Derek who gives him the signature Derek Hale Bitch face causing Stiles to laugh.

"Just go get our toast, Stilinski." Parrish says shaking his head and Stiles laughs with a nod giving Derek a quick kiss as he walks out the room.


* later in the afternoon *

"What the hell are you doing under there?" Parrish questions walking into the machinery shed looking at Derek's legs while he was lying under the old air seeder.

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