Chapter 13-

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"Stiles!" Derek screams limping towards him as the snake legs go of his leg and disappears through the tall grass.

"Fuck." Stiles mutters lying on his back as Derek sits down beside him m the best he could with his knee. "It bit me, on the leg." Stiles quickly says trying to sit up but Derek pushes him back down.

"I know. Lie down and try to calm your breathing, the slower your heart rate the better." Derek instructs pulling Stiles jeans up over his ankle to find two red slightly swollen dots.

"I couldn't see the snake, could you tell what type it was?" Stiles questions.

"Shut up, stop talking." Derek replies as he rips his flannel off leaving him in a white tank top. He quickly wraps the material tightly around Stiles ankle working his way up his leg to his knee to try stop the blood flow as much as possible.

"Stiles we need to get you to the hospital-" Derek begins to say when suddenly the boy sits himself up on his elbow and throws up on the ground next to him. Shit, that's a bad sign, that's a very bad sign, Derek thinks not daring to say it out loud knowing it will freak Stiles out even more. "I'm going to carry you to the farm ute, if you try walk it will pump the your blood and the poison around your body 10 times faster. I'll take you to the hospital, you're gonna be fine." Derek says once the boy finishes throwing up and he just nods in response trying to get his breath back.

He lifts the boy up in his arms ignoring the screaming pain from his knee as he walks towards the shed suddenly grateful he parked the farm ute next to the shed.

"Wait my horse." Stiles says trying to point towards where they just were.

"I'll get Scott to come get her and make sure she's okay." Derek responds as he opens the passenger door placing Stiles in and limps back to the drivers door as Stiles puts his seat belt on.

He starts the Toyota putting it into gear and quickly takes off. He speeds past the farm house driving down the driveway before turning right, heading straight for Beacon Hills.

"How are you feeling? Does it hurt?" Derek asks glancing at Stiles who was fighting to keep his eyes open.

"The bite burns, got the worst headache and feel really dizzy, am I going to die?" Stiles asks and Derek turns to him. Stiles' face full of pain and sadness and Derek shakes his head.

"No you're not going to die, I won't let that happen. You're going to be fine Stiles, Alright? You're going to be fine." Derek replies more so trying to convince himself than Stiles. He pushes his foot down harder on the accelerator biting his lip to stop himself from groaning from the pain the action causes his knee.

*5 minuets later*

He glances over at Stiles who was now more pale than usual with sweat glistening on his forehead. He needs to get Stiles to the hospital now!

"Derek." Stiles mutters turning his head and their eyes lock. "I know the signs of a bad snake bite, promise me you won't let my dad start drinking again. He did badly after my mother died, don't let him fall back into that habit." Stiles says and Derek shakes his head.

"Stop talking like that. I won't need to do that because you aren't going anywhere, okay? There is no way I am letting that happen." Derek states and Stiles smiles softly and nods.

He turns back to the road tapping his thumb on the steering wheel anxiously. His other hand grabbing his knee trying to stop the pain, but it doesn't work.

"Fuck! You were just in a bike crash, how badly are you hurt?" Stiles suddenly questions noticing the way Derek's grabbing his knee.

"I'm fine, just focus on yourself alright. I'm fine." Derek responds as they speed in the direction of the town. After 10 minutes of silence Derek glances back to Stiles noticing he's been too quiet and hasn't moved for a while and he sees Stiles' eyes slipping shut.

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