Chaptet 29-

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"Mum!" Derek shouts desperately as he pushes Laura's hand off him before climbing out her old ute. "Dad! Cora!" He continues to shout, sprinting towards the burning house, the smell of smoke becoming stronger and stronger.

"Derek!" Laura yells after him when suddenly the veranda of their house collapses in an explosion, sending Derek a few metres backwards in the air from the force as his body slams into the dirt.
"Holy shit. Derek?!" Laura screams dropping down next to him as he sits himself up.

"L-Laura, what's happening? Who would do this?" Derek questions with tears pouring down his face as Laura wipes the blood of the cut on his forehead.

"We need to go." She replies in a broken voice lifting her younger brother onto his feet. "We need to get out of here." She repeats but Derek shakes his head frantically.

"No!" He yells desperately turning to Laura who's eyes were red and watery.

"Derek. We saw the Argents car drive off in the other direction, it was them! Remember the videos mum had of the Argents smuggling silver and gold on their trucks?" Laura asks grabbing his shoulder trying to get him to focus.

"They wanted to get rid of the evidence didn't they?" Derek asks softly and Laura nods as another tear falls down her cheek.

"The Argents have people on the inside, dad thought that was the reason nothing happened after mum showed the cops the video." Laura explains in a shaky voice. "So right now they think we are both dead as well. We need to keep it that way if we want to survive, so Derek please we need to go right now before the cops get here." Laura begs and Derek nods as he lets his sister help him up as they rush back to the ute.

"This can't be happening." Laura cries as she slams the car into gear and they take off in the opposite direction.

"They're dead. They're all dead." Derek mumbles leaning his head on the window as he stares at the side mirror watching the house burn to the ground. "Everyone's gone!" He sobs.

"Derek. It's just a dream. Wake up!" Stiles shouts shaking his boyfriends shoulders when his eyes suddenly fly open and he jumps out the bed.

"You're safe. It's me, Stiles. You're at the Stilinski farm in the hut." Stiles quickly answers watching as Derek stumbles backwards, his face pale covered in a layer of cold sweat.

"Stiles?" Derek whispers as he grabs hold of the bench with shaky hands turning away. Stiles quickly gets up standing next to Derek not sure whether or not to touch him for comfort. Derek takes a deep breath before wiping his damp eyes with the palm of his hands. He sits back down on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands.

"Wanna talk about it?" Stiles asks as he takes a seat next to Derek, watching him carefully knowing just how bad traumatising nightmares can be. He knows Derek won't want to talk about it, he never does but Stiles still asks every time, it's the only thing he can do. Nearly every single night the two of them spend together Derek either wakes him up screaming or Stiles wakes up in the middle of the night, to find Derek sitting on the edge of the bed unable to sleep from a nightmare.

"No." Derek says weakly lifting his head up so he could look at Stiles. He looked tired but had a worried expression. Derek glances at the digital click next to the bed noticing it's 2am and he sighs. "I'm fine, don't worry. Go back to sleep."

"Derek-" Stiles tries to say but he gets cut off.

"I'm fine Stiles. Please just go back to sleep." Derek says placing his hand on Stiles' shoulder gently pushing him back down into the bed.

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