Chapter 24-

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"Loosen up man, the party will be fine. You don't even have to talk to anyone other than me and the guys if you don't want to." Stiles says and Derek glances over to him before focusing back on the road as they drive into Beacon Hills.

"I know. I know. I just have a bad feeling that I can't shake." Derek answers truthfully pulling into the car park

"You'll be fine, this will be good for you." Stiles insists climbing out the farm ute. "C'mon let's go have fun and have a few drinks." He says grabbing Derek's hand who sighs with a nod as they walk towards the front door. But he couldn't shake the feeling that this was a bad idea. Maybe he's just paranoid because of what happened last time. Stiles is right tonight will be fun and it's for Melissa.

"Boys I'm so glad you made it!" Melissa's voice calls as they walk through the door finding the older woman walking towards them. She wasn't in her usual nurse uniform she was in black jeans and a nice jacket with her long curly hair down. Derek glances around the room quickly noticing the sheriff and few other people sitting at the tables. Derek recognises one of them as the doctor who helped Stiles when he was bitten by the snake.

"Scott told me you guys are together, I'm happy for you boys." Melissa says pulling them both in for a hug.

"Hey! Stilinski! Derek! Over here." Someone calls and they look over to find the farm hands plus Erica, Lydia and Isaac sitting by the bar on the other side of the room. Derek and Stiles wish Melissa a happy birthday before heading over to the others.

"Hey guys and ladies." Stiles greets as they take a seat at the bar. "Scotty where's Allison?"

"She and her dad will be here in a couple hours, they are picking up their new truck apparently." Scott answers as he takes a drink of his beer.

"You two need drinks!" Erica suddenly says climbing off Boyd's lap walking around the bar. "Especially you Stiles! You, Scott and Isaac since you're all underage." She adds sliding Derek and Stiles a couple beers.

"I'm not getting drunk Erica, my dad is here and Scott's mum is here." Stiles replies glancing over to where his dad was sitting.

"Well too bad because I think Isaac is already drunk." Lydia comments glancing over at the boy as Parrish takes the bottle of vodka out his hands and Stiles laughs.


The group of them barely move from the bar minus Parrish and Lydia who were currently dancing together in the middle of the room to whatever country song was on. Scott and Stiles stopped drinking an hour ago as they could start to feel the effects of alcohol and didn't want to become drunk in front of their parents. But the others kept drinking mainly because they are use to alcohol and can handle it better so Scott and Stiles stuck to soft drink.

Melissa cut her cake earlier and everyone sang happy birthday to her. Erica made her a birthday cake martini and mixed up mini birthday cake vodka shots for everyone.

The older adults all sat around the tables near the back playing some sort of card games whiles Stiles and his friends were still all crowded around the bar laughing and having a good time together. Stiles hadn't seen Derek so relaxed and happy since... well never.

"Stiles have you seen Derek?" Isaac asks leaning over the other side of the bar so he could see Stiles. Isaac stopped drinking a while ago and was slowly turning more sober.

"I have. He's really beautiful." Stiles answers with a grin.

"Um.. that's not exactly what I meant, but sure." Isaac says rolling his eyes. "Where is he really? I want to verse him in an arm wrestle."

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