Chapter 47-

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* three hours later *

"I told the Deputies that you'll give your statement later." The Sheriff whispers sitting back down next to his son quietly, trying not to wake Allison, Scott or Isaac who are asleep in their chairs. The others are clearly tired too but none of them able to sleep as they sit there on their phones or reading crappy magazines trying to get their mind off what happened.

"Thanks dad." Stiles replies with a soft smile as he fiddles with the cotton that's sticking out from under his cast. He had his arm checked out earlier confirming that his wrist was in fact broken but not severely. The doctor just put a cast over his arm which ends before his elbow so it isn't too bad. He also has a minor concussion from the cut on his forehead but other than that he's okay.


It gets close to seven in the morning before Melissa walks through the large doors holding a clipboard. Erica and Lydia quickly wake the others up as they look over at Melissa trying to look past her neutral expression to workout whether it's going to be good or bad news.

"He's in a stable condition at the moment." Melissa informs with a smile and everyone sighs with relief, all lost for words.

"So he's alive? Derek's alive?" Stiles questions trying to make sure what he's hearing is true and Melissa nods.

"The bullet was stuck in his right ventricle in his heart. He's extremely lucky that the bullet hit where it did and not a different part of the heart. The pressure is so much higher in concentration compared the left ventricle and also because the bullet was stuck there it slowed the bleeding down just long enough to keep him alive. He still lost a lot of blood but it slowed the bleeding down enough for him to hold on a little longer. It's a Christmas miracle, it really is." Melissa says and Stiles couldn't help the smile on his face as a few tears fall down his cheeks. Derek's alive, he's breathing. He's alive.

"So he's going to be okay? The bullet won't cause any long term damage to his heart?" Parrish asks and Melissa shakes her head.

"But I do have some bad news." She admits and everyone's head snap back towards her in sudden panic.

"What kind of bad news?" Scott asks looking at his mother in worry.

"He might not be able walk properly without a crutch or some sort of walking stick with him." She explains and everyone stares at her in confusion. "Derek's right knee cap was clearly fractured months ago from that motorbike crash. It must have been a pretty bad fracture because his body had tried healing it but it's made things a lot worse. He was also shot in that knee today which completely shattered it and tore nearly every tendon and ligament around the area. He'll be extremely lucky if he can walk on it again."

"Shit." Stiles mutters running his fingers through his hair, not knowing what to do with this new information.

"He's alive that's all that matters right now. If it turns out he can't walk without help then we will deal with it when the time comes." The Sheriff responds and Stiles nods.

"Can we see him?" Stiles asks sitting up in his seat and Melissa nods.

"He'll be unconscious for at least the rest of the day, he's in room 27. Visiting hours don't start until 10am so I'm going to walk this way and turn my back, just be quiet when your in there." Melissa answers and everyone nods as she walks towards the front desk.

Without saying another word the ten of them quickly get up and walk in the direction Melissa came from. They follow Scott down the hall knowing he knows the hospital inside and out and after a couple of minutes they reach Derek's room.

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