Chapter 26-

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"Yes, my sisters name is Kate. Anyway she somehow knew where the spare key was and they went inside the house with guns. I didn't hear any gun shots though. They just locked the Hales in the basement and the next thing I knew the house was up in flames. Kate and Gerard ran back to the car where I was and we drove off, taking the dirt road out of the property. I thought Derek was in the house when it burnt down, I had no idea he was alive or Laura for that matter. I swear I didn't know." Chris says shaking his head. "I left the business that night, I told Kate and Gerard I don't want anything to do with them or the business again. That's when I moved here with Allison six years ago and we started our own business together, I haven't seen or heard from Gerard or Kate since."

"They just let you walk away?" The Sheriff asks skeptically and Chris nods.

"As long as I didn't tell anyone about what they do and what they did, they don't care what I do. I am not apart of anything they do, I never was. I stayed out of it and just drove trucks for farmers." Chris explains and the Sheriff nods.

"So Derek acted that way our anger? Because he thinks you killed his family?" The Sheriff asks and Chris shakes his head.

"No. It wasn't anger it was different." Chris says frowning trying to put the pieces together reaching for drink as Stiles quickly grabs his arm.

"Different how? Chris, what are you talking about?!" Stiles questions the worry evident in his tone as he grips the mans arm waiting for an answer.

"Stiles!" His dad shouts and he quickly lets go of the older mans arm knowing it won't help him get an answer.

"He wasn't angry, well he was at first but then he kept asking me where Kate was. He thought I was here to kill him, that Kate was here somewhere to finish the job. I tried telling him I didn't kill his family and that Kate isn't here but he wouldn't believe me." Chris explains and Stiles face turns into panic. If Derek thinks Kate is here to finish the job then he didn't drive off because he was angry at Chris. He drove off to get away from Chris, to get away from Beacon Hills because he thinks Kate is here.

"Stiles, what is it?" The Sheriff asks noticing the way Stiles' skin turns pale as his hands begin to tremble .

"Derek's running!" Stiles suddenly says in panic.

"What? What do you mean Derek's running?" His father asks putting his hand on his sons shoulder to try calm him down.

"He's running, to get away from Kate because he thinks she's here, he's leaving dad! Don't you get it? He's going to run like he did with Laura after the fire because he thinks Kate is here with Chris to finish the job. Dad we can't let him leave, Kate will find him if he goes on his own!" Stiles shouts. "I need to go find him!"

"Shit." His father mutters pinching the bridge of his nose. "You can't Stiles, you've been drinking."

"My last drink was hours ago, dad I'm fine. I need to get to Derek before he disappears." Stiles shouts and his dad gives him a stern look before nodding. "Alright go! I will deal with everyone's questions here because I doubt Derek or Chris would want everyone knowing their past, drive carefully Stiles! And call me if you can't find him." The Sheriff says and Stiles nods as he runs towards Scott.

"Scott I need your keys!" Stiles suddenly says causing his friend to jump in surprise.

"What? Why?" Scott asks and Stiles shakes his head.

"Stiles what's going on?" Allison questions.

"I don't have to explain, please Scott I need your keys." Stiles replies in a desperate voice and Scott nods handing him the keys.

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