Chapter 30-

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"What the hell was that?" Stiles questions turning towards the front door, that didn't sound too good.

"Probably Derek putting the bonnet of the Jeep back down." Boyd replies casually as he dries the dishes.

"I'm gonna go check, just to make sure." Stiles states as he pulls his boots on and walks outside.

He spots his father and Derek by the sheds in front the Jeep and walks over to check on them. Derek was leaning forward with his hands on the front of the closed bonnet with his head hanging low and his father is right next to him, watching him. Something isn't right, the way Derek is standing and how his dad is hovering over him... something isn't right, Stiles thinks to himself as he walks a little faster towards them.

His dad looks worriedly over Derek's shoulder to signal Stiles' concern, doing nothing but making Stiles' heart beat faster as he jogs the rest of the way to his dad and boyfriend.

"Hey, you doing alright big guy? What happened?" Stiles asks placing a hand on Derek's back as he notices the older mans eyes were closed and his jaw clenched. Stiles has been with Derek long enough to know that means Derek is either in pain or close to snapping at someone.

He quickly glances over at his father for an explanation knowing it would be quicker than to get Derek to explain.

"The bonnet fell down and Derek was underneath it. It hit the back of his head hard but he just keeps saying 'he'll be fine in a few minutes.'" The Sheriff says in with a worried tone and Stiles nods turning back to Derek, who's knuckles were turning white from gripping the Jeep too tightly.

"Are you alright?" Stiles asks again. His tone more gentle and caring than before and Derek opens his eyes staring at the bonnet of the Jeep, but doesn't move.

"I'm fine." Derek replies in an emotionless voice.

"Are you sure? Because it kinda looks like your head might explode." Stiles states and Derek shakes his head slightly.

"Shut up, Stiles." Derek groans as he stands himself up straighter still leaning his hands on the Jeep.

"Well, I see you haven't lost the ability to be rude, so I'm taking that as a good thing." Stiles responds with a slight smile.

"Thanks." Derek mutters, in too much pain to say much else as he places his hand on the back of his head.

"Just wait here, I'll go grab some pain killers." Stiles says as he runs back towards the farm house.

"Derek, be honest with me, how bad is it?" The Sheriff asks watching the way Derek's face twists in pain as he removes his hand off the back of his head. "Aw crap." The Sheriff mutters spotting blood on Derek's hand. He looks over to the back of Derek's head and mentally slaps himself for not spotting the blood slowly dripping down the back of his neck.

"It looks worse than it feels." Derek finally answers putting his hand back over the back of his head with a grimace.

"Can you walk to the house?" The Sheriff asks putting his hand on Derek's shoulder.

"Yeah." Derek replies taking a step back from the Jeep still holding his hand firmly on the back of his head as he lets the Sheriff walk him slowly back towards the farm house.

They reach the front porch when Stiles comes running out the door and comes to a quick holt in front of them.

"Open the door, son." The Sheriff orders, still with his hand on Derek's shoulder in case the younger man falls over.

"Shit is that blood?" Stiles questions eyes going wide with worry and the Sheriff nods as Stiles quickly opens the front door, nearly falling over the door mat as he does.

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