Chapter 31-

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* the next morning *

"Yo Derek! Are you awake? Please tell me you're awake man." Parrish's voice shouts as he bangs on the door to the hut.

"Yeah." Derek replies back as he finishes buttoning up his flannel. He slept in this morning which never happens, usually he's awake before the suns up but when he woke up this morning it was nearly 9 o'clock. Whatever painkillers Stiles gave him last night have started to wear off, he can feel the slight thump of pain coming from the cut but his concussion seems to be nearly gone.

"You better not be naked because I'm coming in." Parrish replies as the front door opens and Derek rolls his eyes.

"Whats up?" Derek asks as he pulls his work boots on looking over at Parrish who was covered in sweat.

"We need you're help. The cattle busted open a fence and now they are scattered around the property and it's just you, me and the Sheriff home, the others are in town for supplies." Parrish quickly explains taking a deep breath before continuing. "The Sheriff and I tried rounding them all up ourselves on horseback but they are scattered everywhere it's nearly impossible with just two of us. We didn't want to ask you but the cattle are heading in all directions, some towards the woods, some already into the neighbours property-"

"I'll go get the motorbike." Derek interrupts and he could see the sudden relief flood the other mans face as they both walk out the door.

"Meet me by the gate to the main pasture paddock, thats where the Sheriff is and we work from there." Parrish says climbing onto the back of his horse and Derek nods as he takes off.

Within 10 minutes the three of them were all split up. Parrish rounding up the cattle that were heading for the road, the Sheriff with the ones that had already gotten into the neighbours property, leaving Derek to round up the ones heading for the woods.

Luckily the cattle didn't seem in a hurry to get wherever they wanted to go because within minutes Derek could see them just entering the paddock which leads to the woods.

He rides down the fence line of the paddock, shifting up a gear as he rides faster to cut the herd off. He slams on the breaks as he reaches the gate which enters the woods and jumps off the bike in a hurry to shut the gate.

He walks back to his bike taking a look at the herd of cattle in the middle of the paddock, it's only a small herd of about 50 whereas Parrish got stuck with the larger herd. He quickly scans the fence line of the paddock making sure all other gates are closed minus the gate which leads back to their original pasture paddock. After double checking the other gates he climbs back onto the bike pulling out the kick arm and kicks it down to start the engine but nothing happens. He kicks it down again harder causing the engine to gurgle but doesn't start.

"Don't do this to me, baby." Derek mutters as he pushes down on the kickstarter again and again and again. "C'mon!" Derek shouts ignoring the pain building up in his right knee as he slams his leg down on the kick arm and suddenly the bike roars to life.

"Thank God." Derek gasps in relief, taking a mental note to not turn the engine off again until he's finished with the bike.

Putting the bike into gear he sets off towards the herd to slowly push them through the gate leading into their paddock.

The five minute job which it should have been turns into a 25 minute job because of course the only two bulls the Stilinski's have on the farm happen to both be in his herd.

Within seconds of pushing the cattle together to push them towards the gate, the bulls find each other. Derek's seen his fair share of bull on bull fights throughout the years and has enough experience to know that the fence next to the two bulls won't stand a chance if the two of them keep flogging the shit out of each other.

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