Chapter 9

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"What the hell just happened?" Stiles questions as he watches the front door close and turns to face Scott. He's seen a bar fight before, they've been coming here for years so of course he has, but they were just pushing and shoving not an actual full on punch up. And it was Derek and Jackson!

"Well Derek clearly pissed Jackson off by touching his girlfriend." Scott comments as both men stand frozen in shock staring at Derek's blood on the floor.

"Thank you, captain obvious!" Stiles replies shaking his head. Why would Derek touch Jacksons girlfriend? It doesn't make sense.

"Stilinski!" Jacksons voice shouts catching his attention as he turns towards the voice to find Jackson, Boyd and Parrish walking over to them. "Keep your new friend away from my girl."

"What even happened? What did Derek do? Is she okay?" Stiles asks because he was utterly confused, his girlfriend was crying so whatever Derek did must have been bad.

"Her friends took her home. She said Derek came at her, starting touching her and wanting to take her home with him and shit like that!" Jackson says angrily and Stiles stands there shocked before anger washes over him. Derek had no right to do that, nobody has the right to do that to a woman.

"That son of a bitch." Stiles mutters shaking his head. "I can't believe he would do something like that."

"Well he did. And if I ever see his ugly face near my girl I won't hold back Stiles, he will get a lot more than bruised ribs and a smashed up face." Jackson states before turning and walking away.

"What the hell had gotten into Derek?" Parrish questions looking between him and Scott but Stiles shrugs his shoulders.

"He doesn't seem like the kind of person to do something like that." Boyd comments and Stiles shakes his head angrily.

"I can't believe I thought he was a good guy, Jacksons girlfriend seems so nice she didn't deserve that!" Stiles says a little more loudly than he probably should have but he doesn't care, right now he is pretty damn angry. What kind of sick asshole would touch someone like that without permission and say they'll take them home?

"Maybe there's a reasonable explanation for this, when I was a deputy I came across scenarios like this but it was all just a miss understanding." Parrish says trying to make things better but Stiles shakes his head again.

"There's no miss understanding. You saw her crying into Jacksons arms before! She clearly didn't want Derek touching her like he must have done!" Stiles shouts furiously, tomorrow morning he is going to have stern talking to Derek about what just happened.

"Guys lets just forget about it for tonight, it's only 11pm we still have a few hours of enjoying ourselves before we should head home. Let's just have a good time." Allison says and Stiles reluctantly nods, he will talk to Derek tomorrow.


He pushes his foot down on the accelerator as he drives in the direction of the farm. He knows he's going over the speed limit but right now he does not care. His mind was buzzing with images and voices of Kate, his hands trembling as he grips the steering wheel tighter.

By the time he pulls into the Stilinski driveway he feels like he's going to throw up. He speeds down the driveway hitting the breaks as he parks directly in front of the hut not bothering to park the farm ute in the shed. He climbs out the car stumbling inside the hut, only just managing to reach the toilet before being sick.

After what feels like hours his body finishes throwing up the little food it had in it. His mind slowly clearing as he forces the memories of Kate out his head, leaving him breathless as he leans against the toilet seat.

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