Chapter 42-

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They all ate tea together, something the six of them haven't done in a while. The Sheriff made his famous steak sandwiches and they all ate in the lounge room after convincing the Sheriff they wanted to eat and admire they're hard work with Christmas decorations.

It was getting close to 10pm when Stiles put on Netflix and the majority vote to watch the newest Fast and Furious movie.

"Alright, dream cars. Everyone has to answer." Scott suddenly says and everyone nods in agreement as they all begin thinking of an answer.

"Definitely a '67 Chevy Impala and it has to be black." Stiles replies almost instantly and everyone rolls their eyes knowing exactly why Stiles chose that car... he really spends too much time watching Supernatural.

Derek smiles lifting his arm over Stiles' shoulder pulling him closer. He kisses him on the forehead as the cuddle on the couch.

"I would have to say a Dodge Charger, any year between 1969 to 1972. My parents had one before I was born but had to sell it for money." Parrish answers and every nods agreeing, it's a great car.

"Well I'm sticking to a ute and saying the Ford Velociraptor in a dark blue." The Sheriff answers and Derek looks over impressed with his answer.

"Definitely some sort of Mustang GT, I don't care what make or what colour, just not bright yellow." Boyd answers and Scott nods.

"I'm with Boyd. You can't beat the good old Mustang." Scott responds as he takes a drink of his Pepsi.

"What about you Derek?" Stiles asks looking up at his boyfriend who smiles slightly.

"A black '09 Chevy Camaro." Derek simply answers and everyone looks over at him wanting more detail and Derek sighs before continuing. "My older sister had one and I would constantly take it for a drive whenever she wasn't looking."

"Wait. How did your sister afford a Camaro? We're you guys rich?" Parrish asks and Derek shakes his head with a laugh.

"No. Laura would hand raise any animal on the farm who's mother abandoned it, she hand raised cows, horses, pigs and birds. Then she would sell them as pets for money, I guess it added up over the years." Derek says with a shrug and Stiles smiles leaning his head on Derek's shoulder. He's happy Derek is slowly opening up to the guys, telling them stories about his past and his family, it's a good sign and he seems to be sleeping better at night too.

"You use to live on a farm outside Beacon Valley didn't you?" Boyd asks curiously and Derek nods before Boyd continues. "Did the town have Christmas Eve parades? Like with home made floats that drive down the main road and stalls of food and drinks for sale on the side of the road?"

"Yeah they did, they even had a 'santa' there for the children of the town. We use to go every year with friends and family." Derek answers with a smile.

"Well this year you get to go to the Beacon Hills Christmas Eve parade with us. You'll like it, the atmosphere is incredible, you'll just have to deal with these guys plus the rest of the gang." The Sheriff says and Derek couldn't hide his smile.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He simply replies and everyone smiles before they all begin bickering about wanting dessert.

"We haven't been food shopping for a fortnight, good luck finding something to eat." Stiles responds causing Scott, Boyd and Parrish to shut up not sure what to do now, until Scott breaks the silence.

"Derek! You're a great cook, surely you'll be able to find something or make something? We'll even do the dishes for you." Scott says and Stiles rolls his eyes knowing his best friend is desperate if he's willing to do the dishes.

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