Chapter 45-

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"I like Laura's Camaro, it drives real smoothly." Kate says pointing towards the black car to the right and Derek's head drops. He didn't even notice it was a Camaro parked there let alone Laura's! "It's a shame, the last thing your sister saw was you not saving her." Kate adds over her shoulder as she stands by the trunk of the van fiddling with something.

"Derek, don't listen to her. Please baby, she's just trying to mess with you." Stiles whispers looking to his left at Derek wishing so desperately he could hug him and tell him everything's going to be okay.

Derek doesn't respond. The images and noises from the video still playing over and over in his mind. The sound of the fire crackling. The images of his family tied up in the basement. Cora screaming for her life. Everything just playing on a loop through his mind.

"It's not all your fault, Derek. You got tricked by a pretty face, it happens. Handsome young farmer mistakenly falls in love with a super hot girl who turns out to be using him to get to his family..." Kate begins to say before being cut off.

"You've hurt him enough! Now stop!" Stiles shouts pulling on his chains with a gasp of pain as he glares at Kate.

"Oh sweetheart, you better watch what you say, you're swimming in the deep end now and the water is way above your head." Kate responds grabbing an object out the van which looks awfully a lot like a whip. Stiles gulps watching as Kate begins walking towards him. The jagged metal tips on the whip shining from the cars headlights as she stops a few metres in front of him.

"It would be unfair if I give Derek all the attention, wouldn't it?" Kate says and before Stiles could even think of a response she's swinging the whip. He quickly turns his head away, unable to do much else to protect himself as the blade tip slices his left cheek. He grunts in pain, squeezing his eyes closed as he feels blood slowly trickle down his face from the cut.

"Kate!" Derek shouts, speaking for the first time in nearly twenty minutes and Stiles isn't sure whether he should be happy or mad. "Leave him out of this. Please, he has nothing to do with this. Just let him go and I promise you, I will tell you whatever you want and you can do whatever you want to me. Just please, leave Stiles out of this."

"Derek, no." Stiles warns but from the fierce look he gets in return, he shuts up not wanting to argue with Derek.

"Did Derek Hale just beg me to stop hurting him? Man, I always through you were strong Derek, not the begging type. But I guess I was wrong." Kate responds with a shrug of her shoulders.

"You're wrong about a lot of things and I'm not afraid to admit I'm vulnerable when it comes to him." Derek replies keeping his tone stern, not taking his eyes off Kate.

"Well this was unexpected, but I'm more than happy to torture you more." Kate says with a grin as she walks over to Derek still holding the whip in her hand. He has a sick feeling in his stomach about what she's about to do, but he'd rather it be him than Stiles. He'll do anything to make sure Stiles doesn't get hurt. He just has to stall Kate until he can think of a plan or until the others find them.

"Kate! Somethings wrong. We can't get in contact with your other two men." The tattooed man says looking up from his phone and Derek grins realising the others are most likely on their way.

"Doesn't matter. After tonight our old workers will come back once Derek's no longer around. We will rebuilt the Argent company. Making it bigger and better in every way. But for now, I want to hear Derek beg for his life. I want to hear him scream. Sort of like old times but under different circumstances." Kate responds and Stiles' eyes go wide with shock... or panic he isn't quite sure because right now he is feeling so many emotions.

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