Chapter 44-

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"Babe are you asleep?" Stiles asks softly looking down at Derek's head which is currently resting on Stiles' lap. He smiles to himself happy that Derek is finally getting some much needed rest. He notices Ace is sleeping in as well, as she lays spread out in the middle of the lounge room floor.

He focuses back on the tv flicking channels hoping there's a good movie on somewhere but with no luck. He decides on some cooking show not even paying attention to it. He sits there on his phone taking a few photos of Derek fast asleep knowing if he saw he'd make Stiles delete them but he couldn't resist.

He grins happily looking back at the photos when his phone suddenly starts to ring. He quickly turns it on silent as he slowly gets up off the couch, moving Derek's head gently onto a pillow.

"Hello, this is Stiles." He says into the phone once he reaches the kitchen realising he never read the name before answering it.

"Stiles. It's Jackson." Jackson responds and it takes a couple seconds for Stiles to process the fact that Jackson fucking Whittmore is calling him.

"Jackson? You never call me... why are you calling me?" Stiles questions dumbly because honestly he's lost for words.

"Ethan made me do it. Anyway some lady was walking around asking where you guys live, she came up to us and asked too." Jackson answers and Stiles heartbeat suddenly sky rockets.

"You didn't tell her-"

"No. It's not my place to tell but Ethan's pretty sure he heard others telling her. Just a heads up, I've never seen this chick before and it seemed sketchy." Jackson explains and Stiles has to grab the edge of the bench to keep himself standing as his legs turn to jelly.

"Thanks Jackson." Stiles quickly replies hanging up the phone as he sprints into the lounge room tripping over the rug on the floor only just managing to keep his balance.

"Stiles, what the-" Derek mumbles sitting up at the sudden noise as Stiles cuts him off.

"We need to get you the hell out of here right now, we need to go!" Stiles states and Derek sits up straighter at the panicked tone in his boyfriends voice.

"What's going on?" Derek asks grabbing Stiles' hand to stop him from shaking.

"Kate is coming! She was asking people where the Sheriff lived! She knows you're here." Stiles quickly explains pulling Derek up off the couch as the two of them quickly scramble to put their boots on.

"Where's your Jeep?" Derek questions panic starting to rise in his voice as the two of them run outside.

"The Jeep? It's headlights are broken! And in case you haven't noticed it's 9 o'clock at night and it's dark outside." Stiles responds harshly immediately regretting talking to Derek like that.

"Everyone else took their vehicles into town! It's a full moon you can kinda see the ground and you know the farm back to front. Get in the Jeep." Derek orders climbing into the passenger seat and Stiles reluctantly nods following him.

"We can't risk taking the road, if she's already on her way she'll see us from miles away since barely any cars go on that road." Stiles says as he turns the key in the ignition brining the old car to life.

"We go through your forest, scrub, bush, whatever the hell you wanna call it and then cut through the neighbours paddocks until we hit Kelley Road." Derek instructs and Stiles nods knowing Derek has planned this route in case of an emergency.

The two of them stay silent for the next few minutes. Stiles concentrating on the road in front which he can barely see while Derek sits next to him fiddling with his seat belt nervously as he stares at the revision mirror.

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