Chapter 10

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He was furious at Derek, all he wanted to do was punch the guy in the face and Stiles never wants to hurt anyone. He was beyond angry with the other man that he wasn't thinking straight. He didn't even try considering the other side of the story or even believed there was one. What if Derek was the telling the truth? Was Jacksons girlfriend drunk and did that to him? He has to talk to Erica to find out the truth because right now it was just Derek's word against Jackson and his girlfriend.

He parks the jeep by the cattle yards where the others were currently tagging the new calfs. He spots Scott and Parrish separating the calfs and sees Boyd shutting the gates behind them.

"Boyd!" Stiles shouts climbing out the jeep and jogging over towards him, climbing a couple fences in the process.

"You alright? Did you talk to Derek?" Boyd asks as Scott and Parrish stop what they were doing and walk over to the two of them.

"I did and now I don't know what to believe. I need Erica's phone number, I have to ask her a question which will clear things up." Stiles explains and Boyd nods pulling his phone before stopping.

"You don't have her number?" He asks and Stiles shakes his head.

"I've never needed to text her, we see her every Friday." Stiles replies while Boyd hands Stiles his phone as he copies her number into his. "Thanks man, I will be right back and hopefully with an understanding on what the hell happened last night."

"Wait but didn't Jackson explain what happened? Derek sexually harassed his girlfriend." Scott comments but Stiles shakes his head.

"I think Parrish was right last night, there's been some sort of misunderstanding." Stiles replies as he walks back towards his jeep.

He sits down in the drivers seat and pulls out his phone brining Erica's number up, he takes a deep breath before clicking the green call button and puts his phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Erica's voice asks through the phone after the second ring and Stiles sighs in relief that she answered.

"Hey, Erica its Stiles. I need to ask you a question about last night." He says.

"I'm assuming it's about the whole Jackson and Derek thing?" Erica asks and Stiles nods before realising she can't see him.

"Yeah." He answers before continuing. "Was Jacksons girlfriend drunk last night when she was with Derek?"

"She was beyond drunk. I had to stop giving her drinks before she drank herself into alcohol poisoning." Erica explains and Stiles sighs.

"Did you happened to see what was happening between her and Derek before Jackson started the fight?" Stiles asks not sure if he wants to know the answer or not.

"Yeah I did, tell Derek I'm so sorry I couldn't intervene I was busy trying to keep two old ladies from killing each other on the other side of the bar." Erica explains.

"What did you see between her and Derek?" Stiles asks closing his eyes scared of her answer.

"I saw bits and pieces when I wasn't holding one of the ladies back. Jacksons girlfriend came up to Derek as he was sitting watching you guys play pool. It seemed harmless at the time but then she began getting closer to him and touching him and I could tell Derek was panicked. I tried calling out to her to stop but the older ladies I was dealing with kept trying to attack each other, I couldn't help him. But God Stiles it was basically sexual assault. She jumped on him and kissed him and even I could tell Derek was close to having a panic attack. That's when Jackson stepped in and I think you know the rest from there. Anyway afterwards I went over to Jackson and his girlfriend and kicked her out of the bar, she's banned for six months now." Erica explains and Stiles sinks into his seat.

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