Chapter 22-

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*the next day*

"Wait wait wait are you guys like a thing? Like together?" Scott asks as Derek and Stiles walk over very close together.

"Yes we are." Stiles replies and Derek puts his arm over Stiles' shoulders as they walk towards the cottage, where the others are sitting waiting for breakfast.

"Finally!" Parrish says with a huge grin. "You guys have basically been drooling over each other for the past few months without knowing it."

"He's not wrong, I'm happy for you guys." Boyd responds with a smile as they take a seat. Derek was still worried about letting Stiles too close to him but the sheriff is right. They both like each other and deserve to be happy.

"What's on the agenda today Stilinski?" Parrish asks as his flips the pancakes on the barbecue.

"Dad says it's gonna rain a shit load this coming winter so I guess start preparing for the winter. Make sure everything is water proof, everything all tied down and secure in case of strong winter winds. Stuff like that because from the end of the week the weather is slowly gonna get colder and wetter." Stiles informs and Scott sighs.

"Thank God because I am getting sick of having to clean all the dust off my ute." Scott responds and Stiles rolls his eyes.

"Well you shouldn't have bought a bright red Toyota and you wouldn't have that problem!" Stiles teases and Derek leans back in his chair with a slight grin watching his boyfriend, knowing this won't end well... boyfriend... he likes the sound of that.

"Wait Stiles, you really can't be paying anyone out about their vehicle, have you seen yours? It's like a time bomb on wheels." Parrish adds in causing Scott to crack up laughing.

"Hey leave my baby out of this, she is a wonderful vehicle." Stiles says defensively and Derek rolls his eyes unable to hide his smile.

"By wonderful you mean basically held together by duck tap and not reliable at all?" Boyd asks.

"Hey! You can't talk, your Toyota pickup is older than my damn Jeep so I wouldn't say anything if I was you." Stiles responds and Derek nods.

"He's got you there Boyd." Derek says glancing at Stiles before Scott speaks.

"You don't own a car and have to drive the farm ute everywhere, you have no chance in this argument Derek." Scott says and Derek raises his eyebrows causing Stiles to laugh.

"Sorry Derek I can't even back you up with that argument." Stiles says with a smile and Derek rolls his eyes acting annoyed but he secretly loves this. Having the guys together talking and arguing over pointless stuff, having Stiles next to him laughing and smiling it just all seems too good to be true. He has a roof over his head, people around him who actually care about him, even though it has taken him nearly six months to realise it and now he has Stiles.


The next couple months go by in a flash, Derek and Stiles have gotten even closer and the farm is continuing as per normal. Maybe slightly better off after the Sheriff sold the last patch of pigs they had bred which racked up a bit off cash. The guys still go to the bar every Friday night and Derek feels bad knowing the reason Stiles doesn't go with them is because he doesn't go.

They are both currently lying on the couch together playing Crash Bandicoot. Stiles' lying with his head on Derek's lap as he tries and fails to pass the level they have been stuck on for hours.

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