Chapter 28-

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"Wait. Wait. Did you just say you're going on a date with Derek tonight?" Parrish questions as Stiles and Scott walk into the cottage after he had a shower and put clean clothes on.

"Yeah, he told me to go to the hut in an hour." Stiles responds and Boyd turns away from the tv to face them with a confused expression.

"Does that mean Derek's cooking you tea?" He questions and Stiles nods taking a seat on the other couch next to Parrish.

"He's actually a really good cook and has some amazing recipes, but he doesn't do it often." Stiles explains as he steals the tv remote off Scott who kicks him in response.

"Why doesn't he do it often?" Parrish asks staring at the tv screen while Stiles channel surfs looking for something decent to watch.

"It reminds him too much of his mother. Brings up memories of her which he'd rather not think about." Stiles answers honestly and the guys nod in response.

"The stuff Allison told us about Derek and what happened his family... I can't even imagine what it must be like." Boyd says shaking his head.

"The dude has definitely been through hell and back. I remember when he first came here... I will be the first to admit I wasn't a fan of him but you were all head over boots for him within seconds." Scott says and Stiles scoffs.

"I was not!" Stiles defends but Scott just shakes his head.

"Let me finish. Anyway, after getting to know him, he's turned out to be one of the nicest and one of the most hard workers here." Scott says and Stiles couldn't help but smile turning to his best friend.

"I can't agree more with that. He's saved my life more than once while working together and he's opened up a lot more since when he first came here." Parrish adds and they all nod.

"We're all happy for you Stiles and glad you two have each other. You make each other happy and you both deserve it." Scott finishes looking from Parrish back to Stiles.

"I appreciate that guys thank you and Scotty, just because you are being nice doesn't mean you're getting the tv remote back." Stiles replies with a grin and Scott rolls his eyes with a laugh turning back to the tv.


Derek just finishes putting the containers of pasta into the picnic basket that he borrowed from the Sheriff, when he hears Stiles knock on the front door. He places the basket on the kitchen table before opening the front door to find Stiles in a nice flannel and jeans with his hair now washed and not covered in mud.

"You cleaned up nicely." Derek comments with a smile and Stiles rolls his eyes as he pulls Derek in for a hug.

"At least that makes one of us." Stiles replies with a laugh before shaking his head. "Relax I'm just messing with you Der, you look as stunning as always."

"Now you're just trying to get on my good side." Derek responds nudging Stiles playfully who couldn't get rid of his smile that stretches across his face.

"How much do you trust me?" Derek asks with a grin and Stiles sighs staring at him.

"I feel like this isn't going to end well, but I trust you with my life Derek, you know that." Stiles replies grabbing his hand and Derek nods.

"So if I told you to close your eyes and keep them closed, you would?" Derek asks and Stiles gives him a sceptical look but nods anyway. "Alright good, because I have a surprise for you but you have to have your eyes closed until we get there."

"Until we get there? Where are we going?" Stiles asks curiously leaning against the door frame and Derek gives him a dump look and he nods. "Right, then it wouldn't be a surprise would it?"

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