Chapter 32-

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"Dad's not answering." Stiles says as he sits up higher in his seat to get a better view of the cattle.

"Is that Parrish?" Scott asks pointing towards the left side of the herd and Stiles nods spotting him riding his horse. "Hold on tight Boyd." Scott shouts slamming the ute into the next gear as he speeds towards the other side of the herd to help Parrish round them up.

After 10 or so minutes, between their ute and Parrish on the horse, they managed to get the cattle back into their pasture paddock with the rest of the cows.

"Were they the only ones that got out?" Stiles asks winding down his window as Parrish rides over to the ute.

"No, the whole lot got out and split off into different directions. Derek and the Sheriff went after the others but looks like they got them all in." Parrish explains looking over at the cattle in the middle of the paddock. Did Parrish just say Derek? He's meant to be resting! Not out chasing cattle through the property far out, he is gonna get a stern talking to about rethinking his definition of 'resting'

"I'm gonna go for a quick lap around the paddock make sure all the gates are shut and then fix the hole in the fence where they busted out." Parrish says and Stiles nods as he rides off towards the fence line.

"Looks like your dad and Derek are over by the main gate." Boyd shouts from the back and Stiles turns spotting his dad on one of the horses and Derek sitting on his bike. Without Stiles having to say anything Scott was already turning the ute around and driving over to them.

Pulling up next to the gate, the three of them climb out the ute walking towards the Sheriff and Derek.

"Firstly, good morning. Secondly what the hell are you doing rounding up cattle? You probably still have concussion!" Stiles exclaims walking towards his boyfriend.

"They needed help and I was the only other one home. I'm fine and the cattle are all back in." Derek answers innocently as he sits on his bike.

"If it wasn't for Derek's help I wouldn't have been able to get the cows out the neighbours property. The other cows would have went into the woods and we wouldn't have been able to get them out." His father suddenly says glancing between his son and Derek.

"I'm gonna go find where the cows busted out and start fixing it before they find it again." Derek states as he sits up properly on the bike pulling the clutch when Stiles suddenly grabs his shoulder.

"No. You are not going anywhere other than back to the house. Parrish is already fixing it." Stiles says as Derek takes the bike out of gear putting his feet back on the ground with a soft nod.

"I'm gonna go double check the rest of the property to make sure we got them all in. You boys unload the bags in the shed next to the piggery." The Sheriff says before trotting off through the gate.

"We'll go unload these bags before the afternoon rain comes, you need a lift Stiles?" Scott asks climbing back into the ute with Boyd and Stiles shakes his head.

"I'll go back with Derek." He answers and Scott nods shutting his door before driving off.

"You and I are gonna have a stern talking to when we get home about what the word 'resting' means because clearly you don't know." Stiles comments and Derek raises his eyebrows with a laugh reaching for Stiles' hand.

"Shut up and kiss me." Derek replies pulling Stiles closer to him, ignoring everything else around them as their lips touch.

"This doesn't mean you're off the hook." Stiles says softly as he rests his forehead on Derek's taking in the smell of his cologne. He runs his fingers softly over Derek's stubble as Derek leans up and kisses him passionately. A soft moan escaping their mouths as Derek cups Stiles cheek as he pulls away slowly.

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