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inside of the small box was his nyu sweatshirt, a hufflepuff scarf, and a note.

dear viv,

i'm sorry about everything that i said, everything that i did. i should have told you about my father earlier, and i should've told you that i do believe in happy endings; i just refused to acknowledge that you were the one to help with that. i know that we're barely 22, and you probably want to see other people before you settle down with who you love. i just wanted to let you know that this isn't the case for me. i want to spend the rest of my life with you, and i'm sorry that i'm telling you like this, as if i'm giving you some sort of ultimatum. i'm not. i love your laugh over something that isn't that funny. i love how you push everyone away to focus on your studying. i love how you can eat any kind of ice cream. i love how you put others before yourself, but also how you know when you do the same for you. i love how your chocolate eyes match your hair. i love how excited you get over everything. i love how you try hard to be happy even when i can tell it's hard from time to time. i love your determination. i love your honesty. i love your shyness. and i love how you understand this jumbled mess. i also understand if you don't want to be with me. so whatever decision you make, just know that i respect it. i wish things had ended differently. i love you.

— p

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