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she's okay.


she can't recall how many drinks she's had— only three? she's definitely having a good time at this party. atília left the room to get some food, and returns with two pieces of pizza.

"we should go home. you should not have any more drinks," he says, holding her upright as they sit on the couch.

she sticks her tongue out at him and laughs. "thanks, dad."

"i mean it, yuli."

"hmph," her head lolls to the side, and she stumbles upward to get ready to walk away. "then go home."

"i am not going to lea—"

she walks away, slamming a door behind her and locks it, which turns out to be a bedroom. sitting inside is a girl around a year older than than her, a bottle of vodka in her hands.

"mind sharing?" yuli asks, plopping down next to her. the brunette hands her the bottle as she sips, watching her. "so what's your deal?"

"me?" the girl asks, cheeks reddening. "i think i'm bisexual."

"coooooool," yuli slurs, then sets the alcohol aside and kisses her.

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