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when he wakes up on december 26th, after four hours of sleep, his crankiness is at an all time high.

fiona's belongings strewn across her floor, derek's clothes and scent in his bed, everything that isn't everett, is pissing him off.

he does load after load of laundry, scrubs the kitchen, vacuums, reorganizes; keeps himself busy to avoid the truth.

fiona is away at her house where he can't look after her.

derek put their relationship on hold, or ended it completely because everett couldn't keep his mouth shut about his past relationship.

and then there's aidan. the boy that he broke up with, the boy that he's been missing for the past three months, the boy that came home from italy... and the first thing he did was show up at his doorstep to beg for his love.

it's too much to handle, so he tries not to handle it at all.

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