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it's nearly the end of january now, and his plan to try to get derek back is ready to take action. he's ready for rejection if necessary, but his optimism is getting the best of him; it's the only thing he has to prevent him from breaking down and running back to aidan.

he knocks, three times on the apartment door.

the person that opens the door is dressed in a black suit, hair combed neatly. derek stands with his hand on the knob, brown eyes lightening from the sunlight streaming in through the lack of curtains to cover the windows.

"hi," everett lets out with a labored breath. "i came to apologize."

"what makes you think i want to hear it?" derek asks, crossing his arms, eyebrows raised. "i'm going to be late, so please, make whatever this is, quick."

the blonde offers a wrapped, rectangular object and a bottle of cabernet. "i love aidan, yes. that night, though, you didn't let me finish. i may love him, derek, but i'm not in love with him; not the way i am with you."

"that was fuckin' cheesy."

"please, forgive me," everett will get on his knees and beg for hours if that's what it takes. "i'm sorry if it seems like i want to be with you because you look my ex, but it isn't like that. i fell in love with you for you, not who you look like. i don't care what you look like. i love you, and your stupid jokes, and your love for wanting to help others, and your never-ending passion for mexican food, and your refusal to drink alcohol, and i love your willingness to drop anything for who you care about, okay?"

"it isn't going to be that easy. you don't get to just come to my place looking all pretty and expect—" his voice hitches. "you don't get to do that."

everett doesn't know what else to say. "i love you."

"do you mean it?" derek asks, voice low, as if terrified of the possibility of an answer he won't want to hear. all traces of his stubbornness are gone.

"every word."

the younger man straightens his back, nodding his head. "i can meet you for dinner later. dos caminos, seven tonight."

"yeah," everett fights back the grin that threatens to bloom across his face. "i'll see you then."

derek closes his door and walks past to the elevator, leaving everett alone with hope burrowed in his chest.

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