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she doesn't realize she's crying until she tastes the salt on her lips. she's furious, but more crestfallen than anything. "y-you should have been the one to die in that accident. n-not—"

christian is wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pulling her out of the starbuck's before she can even blink. he doesn't stop until they reach an empty alley.

she's sobbing so hard that she can't breathe, and she doesn't know what's going on and why she acted that way.


she can't stop.

"fiona!" he has his grip on her forearms. "look at me."

she does. his dark blue eyes are stern and hard. "get. it. together."

she hiccups, nodding her head to take shallow breaths, eyes screwed shut. breathe, fiona.

she can smell him; his scent of fresh laundry and a hint of the fruit danish he ate earlier this morning as he hugs her. he's hugging her. "it's okay."

she's okay.

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