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"dude, don't look now, but that guy over there is checking you out," preston murmurs through a bite of his chicken caesar wrap.

aidan, of course, like the subtle person he is, turns around a full 180 degrees and examines the person that preston is talking about. the man is maybe a year or two older than him, stubble on his face with soft-looking chestnut hair. he's wearing a gray crew neck, stylish trench coat, and jeans. he has a smile on his face as he watches aidan.

"smooth," preston comments, most likely rolling his eyes. "go get his number."

aidan turns back to look at him. "what? i don't even know him. he could be a serial killer for all i know."

"go. get. his. number," the korean man insists.

aidan flips him off, but gets up anyway, sitting across from the beautiful stranger and sticking out his hand. "hi, i'm aidan."

"quentin," the man takes his hand and brings it to his lips for a soft kiss. a blush rises to both of their cheeks, and aidan feels lightheaded.

"is it okay if i get your number?"

"i'd like that," quentin smiles.

he's feeling lucky.

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