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she hasn't talked to vivian in three weeks. she has dodged every call, every text, every excuse to see her. it's fucking rude, and she knows it.

so when vivian shows up again, arms crossed and face hardened, yuli knows there is no dodging this time. "hey."

"hey?" vivian asks, hands flying up and flopping at her sides. "where the hell have you been? why have you been ignoring my calls and texts and visits? did i do something to make you upset?"

yuli shakes her head. she doesn't know what to say; what to do. any of her explanations will be shitty. "you wanted me to figure my crap out, so... that's what i'm trying to do."

"so me not being in your life is figuring it out? that's a pretty asshole-ish way to break up with someone."

"no," yuli rushes, hand reaching out to grab the other woman's. "i didn't mean to... i just..."

"break up with me instead of making me feel like garbage."

"i didn't—"

"don't deny it," vivian whispers. "don't. all i wanted was for you to love me—"

it's yuli's turn to laugh bitterly. "what is with you and your need for someone to love you? why are you so obsessed with the idea of love? why do you need someone to kiss and someone to hold and someone to be in love with?"

"i don't know!" vivian shouts. her face is as red as a fire hydrant, and her lip has begun to quiver. her fury and heartache seem to be taking their turns on her. "but that does not just mean you get to drop dead and leave me!"

"stop being so afraid of people leaving you! it fucking happens!" yuli yells back.

vivian chews on her bottom lip, face wet. "so that's it, then?"

"yeah," yuli says blankly, shrugging to play it off. "it is."

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