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Eve walks closer and takes my hands in hers. "While Steven and I were honeymooning in Greece, we decided to charter a boat to explore some of the small, offshore islands. We were nearly to Poros when the sea suddenly became rough. The captain lost control and the ship capsized."

"What? I knew there was an earthquake in the Mediterranean while you were there, but you never mentioned it. That was months ago."

"We were on the water when the quake hit. Poros essentially imploded, creating a tsunami that rolled the ship against a wall of jagged rocks. Tim...everyone onboard died."

I back away, stunned. "You died?"

"I was dead...until the queen restored me."

I shake my head. "I can't believe this."

"Queen Suzerain has been watching you since your birth, protecting the great potential you carry," says Eve. "Knowing how close you and I were, she intercepted my soul—and Steven's—before they slipped from the physical plane. After absorbing Steven's soul within herself, she resurrected mine inside Pteridophia's body. The queen wants me to help you prepare for the great task ahead."

I'm becoming impatient. "Well, are you Eve or not?"

"Both women sacrificed everything to be your ally!" bellows Suzy. A sharp pain shoots through my middle and I topple to the forest floor. "Show some respect."

"Please your majesty...it's alright!" begs Eve.

I'm in agony. "Eve..." I gasp as the invisible knives stabbing into me finally pull away.

"Eve Plimb's soul put Pteridophia through an incredible trial," says Suzy. "The strength of my will allowed me to retain my identity while assuming the guise of that horrible human man, but poor Pteridophia was not so strong. Fostering another soul doomed her own...forever."

"Pteridophia knew exactly what would happen," says Eve. "Before abandoning all consciousness, she shared her deep understanding of the ways of magick with me."

I'm struck silent. Eve seems like Eve in every respect—not some magical beast or doppelgänger.

"Tim, accept this truth, for there is no other," says Suzy.

"You're not cute little faeries or elves, you're goddamn demons!" I blurt, my anger peaking.

Suzy laughs. "Oh, you will meet demons, but I assure you, we are not of their ilk. Our kind once walked among humans when magick was strong, but such feats now require a human vessel. We claim no dominion over these souls—they are returned to the spiritual plane in due time." She grins. "If I didn't find you so amusing—and your blood so useful—I would have turned you to ash for such a remark."

"Majesty, spare him, he's just confused," says Eve.

I stare at my dead friend's face in disbelief. "How? If Eve died, how can you look just like her?"

"I'm not composed of pure magick like the queen. She transformed Pteridophia's flesh to resemble mine."

"Impossible!" I say. "How can I trust anything either of you are saying?"

"Tim, stop trying to detect what's buried underneath me. There's no one else—no hidden personality to uncover," says Eve, tugging at the smooth skin of her hand. "I don't care what you call me, but the person you've known for years is the person in front of you right now. I swear it."

There's no fight left in me. I hug Eve tight and we both cry. I don't care what she is or isn't. Amidst such insanity, abandoning reality is the only option.

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